Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To the left of them , a conch shell brought back from the Indian Ocean curled mysteriously in on itself , like the pink and white entrance to another world .
2 Goschenen then is the place of decisions : whether to take the tunnel through to Italian-speaking Ticino and southern climes , or to proceed to Andermatt on the old Gotthard road which now climbs sharply up to cross the Reuss tributary and after some hairpin bends enters the forbidding rock walls of the Schollenen gorge which took centuries for road builders to master , first by bridle paths on suspended plank bridges and in more modern days by tunnels and galleries as well as daring bridges Emerging from the gorge the road crosses the Reuss waterfall on the " Devil 's bridge " and enters the wide Urseren valley in which Andermatt lies , occupying the strategic position at the " crossroads of Switzerland " or even of Europe — where the main west-east route carved out of the high alpine massif by the Rhine and Rhone rivers crosses the north-south route gouged out by rivers Reuss and Ticino .
3 After the initial nationalisation programme carried out by the post-war Labour government , there was relatively little change in the frontiers between the state sector and the private sector .
4 The next section examines evidence drawn from a three-year monitoring study carried out by the author and colleagues in the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts .
5 As they parked and headed for the open front door , a smiling woman in a dusky pink two-piece and with her silver hair caught back in a chignon appeared to welcome them .
6 WORLD FERTILITY SURVEY ; an international research programme carried out during the period of 1972–1984 , undertaken by the International Statistical Institute with the collaboration of the United Nations and in co-operation with the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population .
7 The workforce at Linton and Hirst 's is to be cut by one third despite a two million pound investment programme carried out at the company in July .
8 They vary from the smallest tin shack propped up against a breakwater to the smartest yacht club in Cowes — but you will find the same enthusiasm for the sport in each .
9 Countries vary as to the proportion of the farm labour force taken up by the peasantry .
10 As has already been indicated , the planning processes of each company had previously been examined in a research study carried out at the London Business School .
11 The programme will include Brian Porteous from the Council 's Sponsorship Advisory Service speaking about the latest research exercise carried out by the Council into sponsorship in Scotland ; Derek Etherington , Consultant to the English Sports Council talking about UK developments : lawyer Stephen Townley giving guidance on contract negotiations plus media experts and representatives of leading Scottish companies giving practical advice on how to make effective sponsorship proposals .
12 The ending of the deadlock means Rechar money will almost immediately be put to use to finance the first phase of a £158m 10-year action plan drawn up by the East Durham Task Force .
13 Many of those who fled across the Danube became graničari ( frontiersmen ) in the military frontier zone set up by the Habsburgs ; others manned fortresses in Dalmatia , combining defence against the Turks in the interior with piracy in the Adriatic .
14 The Oldham Stock Exchange developed out of a new class of capitalists not portrayed in the industrial scenarios of Marx and Engels .
15 This data , together with the data on productivity described below , suggests that the research work carried out in the geology departments of these universities is of a lower standard than that of the other Scottish universities .
16 This data , together with the data on productivity described below , suggests that the research work carried out in the geology departments of these universities is of a lower standard than that of the other Scottish universities .
17 The range of research work carried out in the department is wide and reflects its multidisciplinary character .
18 In principle , a non-UK firm needs to be authorised under the FSA for investment business carried on in the UK .
19 ‘ For the purposes of this Act an appointed representative is a person — ( a ) who is employed by an authorised person ( his ‘ principal ’ ) under a contract for services which — ( i ) requires or permits him to carry on investment business to which this section applies ; and ( ii ) complies with subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) below ; and ( b ) for whose activities in carrying on the whole or part of that investment business his principal has accepted responsibility in writing ; and the investment business carried on by an appointed representative as such is the investment business for which his principal has accepted responsibility .
20 ‘ For the purposes of this Act an appointed representative is a person — ( a ) who is employed by an authorised person ( his ‘ principal ’ ) under a contract for services which — ( i ) requires or permits him to carry on investment business to which this section applies ; and ( ii ) complies with subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) below ; and ( b ) for whose activities in carrying on the whole or part of that investment business his principal has accepted responsibility in writing ; and the investment business carried on by an appointed representative as such is the investment business for which his principal has accepted responsibility .
21 " Regulated business " is defined by the COB Rules to mean either of the following : ( 1 ) Investment business carried on from a UK office ( of the firm or of an appointed representative ) ; this is the case even if the customer is a non-UK client and even if an account officer goes overseas to meet him ; or ( 2 ) Investment business carried on from a non-UK office with or for customers in the UK , except where that business would not be treated as carried on in the UK ( and so would not require FSA authorisation ) if the non-UK office had been a separate person ; this exception , in effect , provides the " foreign business carve-out " from the COB Rules for business with UK customers ( see page 40 below ) ; certain marketing rules are , however , brought back in ( see page 42 below ) .
22 " Regulated business " is defined by the COB Rules to mean either of the following : ( 1 ) Investment business carried on from a UK office ( of the firm or of an appointed representative ) ; this is the case even if the customer is a non-UK client and even if an account officer goes overseas to meet him ; or ( 2 ) Investment business carried on from a non-UK office with or for customers in the UK , except where that business would not be treated as carried on in the UK ( and so would not require FSA authorisation ) if the non-UK office had been a separate person ; this exception , in effect , provides the " foreign business carve-out " from the COB Rules for business with UK customers ( see page 40 below ) ; certain marketing rules are , however , brought back in ( see page 42 below ) .
23 In addition , even if it does not have a UK office , a non-UK firm nonetheless needs to be authorised for investment business carried on from a non-UK office with customers or counterparties in the UK on a services basis unless the FSA 's overseas person exemption applies ; this indeed also applies to UK firms ( see page 43 below ) .
24 The ICAEW has developed a modified level of protection suitable for investment business carried out in the course of corporate finance activities for a corporate finance client .
25 WHAT MEMORIES the Echo article brought back about the evacuation .
26 A North-East woman caught up in the blast criticised British Rail for not acting quickly enough .
27 A pet dog was killed in the Oldpark attack carried out by the outlawed Ulster Freedom Fighters shortly before midnight on St Patrick 's night .
28 The British Crime Survey of 1983 , a research project carried out by the Home Office , is a recent example of how victim and self-report studies can be used to attempt to get round the problems of and deficiencies with the official criminal statistics .
29 In the words of one deaf man aged 70 interviewed in the course of a research project carried out by the author through a Durham University Fellowship in 1986 ,
30 Last night she and her mother bedded down on a mattress in the back of their secondhand horse-box eating food heated up on a mobile stove because they refused to pay the London prices of the arena 's eating places .
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