Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [vb past] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1893 Nonconformist MPs formed a Committee for Religious Equality under the chairmanship of Sir Osborne Morgan to challenge the Church Defence Committee formed the same year .
2 A young Arsenal fan made the same point after having listened rather contemptuously to a discussion by academics about working-class ‘ resistance ’ to increasing middle-class infiltration of football .
3 If Vanilla Ice spouted the same sort of shit they did he 'd be pilloried .
4 The shock and adjustment curve followed the same pattern in all countries but the timescale differed .
5 The journal Samizdat started the same year and has followed a similar line .
6 And inquiries at the small town hall produced the same shrugs .
7 The wine label repeated the same words in a floridly ornate script overprinted on a picture , which Sabine recognised instantly .
8 For the rest Alliance retained the same number of seats with two changes within their number , and SDLP lost two seats .
9 Potter 's earlier production The Singing Detective shared the same provenance .
10 California 's Apple Computer did the same thing in a bigger way last October , when it halved the price-tag on its popular Macintosh model .
11 In this respect Bukharin displayed the same indecision — one might say double thinking — that was evident on the part of many Bolsheviks when faced with the necessity of NEP .
12 The confidentiality claim met the same fate as the other arguments .
13 There was some confusion about the seat numbering : two women with armfuls of overcoats and a crying baby had the same seat ticket that I had .
14 This pledge was fulfilled in 1971 and thus the Land Commission went the same way as it predecessor , the Central Land Board .
15 The last time they were in office Labour said the same thing , those earning less than a certain amount would not pay tax , however , in reality everybody paid out more and remember Harold Wilson 's pound in your pocket speech ?
16 A lost love or family tragedy had the same impact on a Ukrainian living 300 years ago as it does today on a 30-year-old singer living in Leeds .
17 The rag trade adopted the same approach when it came to designing and flogging its clobber .
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