Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Langbaurgh Tory candidate Michael Bates : Said 75,000 people on low pay in Teesside would benefit from the Chancellor 's announcement of 20p in the pound income tax for the first £2,000 of taxable earnings .
2 In other words , the extra cost — the entry level price for the first CD-I players will probably be between £500 and £600 — may be seen as an acceptable premium on a CD-A player which buys , in addition , a multimedia information system .
3 Flamewave Supreme Inset Living Flame Effect Unlike the first two types , these can be fully installed within a fireplace opening , and project only minimally into a room .
4 Or we could comply with the 30 October 1993 rule but amend the accounting reference date within the first nine months of incorporation , as we may , and draw up accounts to 31 October 1993 , which is within the seven day period allowed by s 223(2) .
5 The arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio was calculated with each arterial blood gas analysis over the first day .
6 There were no significant differences between the groups in Apgar scores , admission temperature , or blood pressure stability on the first day .
7 BOOKMAKERS are investigating a large scale copycat betting coup on the first race at Hackney yesterday .
8 13 infants from each group underwent mechanical ventilation and showed significant differences in mean minimum arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio on the first day ( regulated group 0.42 , random group 0.22 ) and in median duration of dependence on supplemental oxygen ( regulated group three days , random group 10 days ) .
9 Initial packed cell volume , peak serum bilirubin concentrations , red cell transfusion requirements , and respiratory impairment ( assessed by ventilatory requirements , arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio over the first day in ventilated infants , and duration of dependence on supplemental oxygen ) .
10 Outcome measures recorded included Apgar scores , initial packed cell volume , peak serum bilirubin concentrations recorded , red cell transfusions required and respiratory impairment assessed by ventilatory requirements , arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio over the first day in ventilated infants , and duration of dependence on supplemental oxygen .
11 We would increase the public sector borrowing requirement for the first two years before reducing it sharply for the rest of our term of office to balance the books over five years .
12 Le Monde of Dec. 15 , 1990 , also reported that the PCF-dominated trade union organization , the Confédération générale du travail ( CGT ) would from March 1991 lose its control of the trade union structure of the nationalized Renault vehicle manufacturing company for the first time since 1945 .
13 But there is also a notable comic character , Tabacco , servant of one of the heroes , with a female counterpart in the pert maid Marina ; and the da capo form trio-finale of the First Act , sung by Tabacco , his master , and Elvira , already sounds the characteristic note of the comic-opera finale of the future :
14 Similar deals are available on the remaining two- and three-bedroom properties , but Lovell is also offering free mortgage protection insurance for the first three years , which will pay up to £1,000 per month if the buyer is made redundant .
15 As shown by Table III , the daily food intake and body weight gain during the first week on the diet were similar in rats fed either the oleic , linoleic , or eicosapentaenoic acid supplemented diet .
16 ONE of the most graphic accounts of the horrors and practicalities of war to be published in recent years is The Imperial War Museum Book of The First World War .
17 In a city with 12 per cent unemployment 300 recent placements have resulted in an over 90 per cent job retention rate after the first three years of employment .
18 In his travels , Arkle will be staffing the Scripture Union stand for the first three weeks of Spring Harvest at Minehead , where he hopes to spend some time with Frank Shayi , SU South Africa 's Fieldwork Director .
19 GRE 's interim statement also includes a consolidated balance sheet and a cash flow statement for the first time .
20 She knew only the cream would have been able to get to Teacher Training College in the first place , and so many shared her desire and enthusiasm for education .
21 A function returning the ASCII character value of the first character of the argument string .
22 These included all four of the former English colleges of education ( technical ) , some of the extra-mural centres formerly attached to the colleges , and other institutions which were moving into further education teacher training for the first time .
23 That Peter Pan was chosen is no coincidence , for James Barrie was a life-long friend of Lutyens , who in turn designed the original night nursery set for the first production of Peter Pan in 1904 .
24 The writing would have appeared to have been on the wall from the moment Lincolnshire 's Sarah Bentley ( now representing Surrey ) , let slip a 5–1 opening set lead in the first rubber , a lead that included a missed set point .
25 MORE than 12,500 women attended the Victoria breast screening unit during the first three years of the programme .
26 There will be a number which will be the number , should be the number of days before the benefit week ending day in the first week of the claim .
27 Gary Kildall , whose Digital Research created the CP/M operating system for the first generation of personal computers , did not jump at IBM 's offer .
28 Chris was nervous entering an Iron Curtain country for the first time .
29 ‘ With its comprehensive specification and competitive pricing , Safrane will pitch Renault at the head of the volume executive sector for the first time . ’
30 In slight panic , she climbed off the bed and swopped her jade cotton nightshirt for the first swimsuit which emerged from her case .
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