Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] week ' " in BNC.

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1 Tony Stafford talks to the former owner of Vernons Pools who is hoping for a jackpot dividend in two weeks ' time with Rodrigo de Triano and Musicale
2 It is policy to screen all mothers with risk factors for gestational diabetes ( family history of diabetes , previous gestational diabetes , poor obstetric history , clinical polyhydramnios , maternal obesity , or previous macrosomic infant ( >4000 g ) with a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test at 30 weeks ' gestation .
3 Five patients had experienced symptoms suggestive of cow 's milk allergy ( urticaria ( one ) , loose stools ( one ) , vomiting ( two ) , diarrhoea ( one ) ) and were admitted for diagnostic milk challenge after four weeks ' milk elimination .
4 A lady George thought sombrely , with a fine appreciation of the political timescale come the inevitable memorial service in three weeks ' time people would already be asking ‘ Barling ?
5 There was great jubilation in the family when he returned home to tell them that he was to start in the Despatch Department in two weeks ' time , in the huge new office in Edge Lane where Eileen worked .
6 Apparently even if I was within the time limit of twenty-eight weeks ' pregnancy — which of course I 'm not — I could n't possibly stand an eight-hour flight ; I 've got a touch of toxaemia — ’
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