Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Request : In the guise of pop-group ‘ The Howlers ’ ( ‘ We play loud modern rock music not entirely lacking in melodies ’ ) , we contacted the portly football fan to request his consent for a song ( and concept album ) to be titled ‘ Mad Hattersley 's Tea Party ’ .
2 The jazz scene confirmed his liking for youthful excitement and the importance that his student friends now had in his life is registered in a series of portraits .
3 The PUSD assembly declared its support for a state-regulated market economy and democratic pluralism .
4 President George Bush had then favoured amending the Constitution in order to prohibit the practice ( and withheld his signature from the Flag Protection Act to emphasize his support for a constitutional amendment ) .
5 The section prohibits canvassing in the sense of the attempt of an applicant or of another person at his instigation to influence a member of a licensing board to support his application for a grant , renewal or permanent transfer of a licence , or for a regular extension of permitted hours before the application is considered by the board ( subs .
6 The till girl mouths her request for identity .
7 The group of councillors from across the political divide were selling appeal raffle tickets in Darlington town centre to show their support for the day centre .
8 Throughout the 1970S , this delightful village was the priority holiday venue of my wife and myself , a kind friend providing her cottage for our annual visits : always we arrived in eager anticipation and departed with reluctance .
9 In terms of the process erm we are the first er major service committee to consider its budget for next year and I think everyone will be looking at us to set a pattern for the rest of this week .
10 FAMILIES of victims of the Hove arson tragedy take their fight for justice to the High Court next week .
11 AI research awakens our desire for greater self-understanding ’ .
12 ’ The IoT examination is widely accepted as being of a uniquely high standard , and the revised syllabus for 1994 , incorporating a new paper on Tax Ethics and Administration , will ensure that the IoT examination retains its relevance for the future .
13 The Arts Council of the Netherlands has presented its advice to the Minister of Culture , Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , with a policy document outlining its plan for the arts in the period 1993–96 .
14 Patients were assessed in a special gallstone clinic to determine their suitability for the various treatment techniques available in our unit .
15 Ibsen 's Peer Gynt compared his quest for identity to the process of peeling layers off an onion ; but after shedding all the ‘ false selves ’ , he found that there was nothing inside , no ‘ core ’ .
16 He was at the Cotswold Wild Life Park to lend his expertise for Kids Out — an annual fun day for children with special needs .
17 Choice theory rests its justification for the enforceability of contracts upon moral paternalism , which seriously detracts from the principle of respect for personal autonomy .
18 Another important initiative by this French government agency includes its support for a series of television films made by the distinguished director Agnes Varda .
19 UNEMPLOYED managers have joined a pilot scheme hiring their labour for as little as £50 a week to help firms reach ‘ Investors in People ’ status .
20 The left-arm spinner made his debut for the Welsh county against Oxford University in The Parks .
21 The RMT executive committee gave its approval for 70,000 railway members to be balloted on 4 and 5 March over whether they will support strike action , the spokesman said .
22 MARSEILLE , the Manchester United of French football — except that they won their championship last year — have moved in advance of next summer 's World Cup marketplace to strengthen their team for next season .
23 But today the man who wants to be next the Health Secretary did his bit for the local campaign .
24 He found it incredible that Mr Adams should issue a statement within hours of the hospital bombing expressing his concern for patients in the granting of trust status to the Royal Victoria Hospital .
25 South Tees Community and Mental Health Care launched its application for NHS trust status on Tuesday at West Lane Hospital , Middlesbrough .
26 When he failed to muster enough backing for a secret ballot Pawar announced his support for Rao who was then unanimously elected as leader on June 20. nation
27 I had seen that look somewhere before , and memory suggested two pictures : one was from an old history book and showed Marie Antoinette on her way to the guillotine — ‘ The Queen went forth , stately and calm ’ ; , the other ( ‘ Tales from over the Border ’ ) showed a beautiful girl withdrawing modestly while a Highland chief petitioned her father for her hand in marriage .
28 But , given the low base from which the Liberal Democrat party began its struggle for recognition , he has achieved a great deal .
29 An example of a limitation clause is where a supplier of computer software limits his liability for faulty software to the licence fee he has received for that software .
30 I 'm devastated … a man who suffered brain damage loses his fight for compensation .
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