Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 As she made the tea she thought about the way her brothers had talked about Mandy Watkins .
2 In this chapter we look at the ways to develop the applications which use the database , including an analysis of data requirements , and in Chapter 7 we look at setting up different external views in the context of different DBMS .
3 The interviewers always stressed the despair , that life was under a cloud , but the comradeship of the campaign and the fun we had along the way was just as real .
4 Route Seventeen Account holders not only get easy access to their savings but also easy access to the experience and expertise of The Royal Bank of Scotland staff who will provide all the help and advice you need in the way you need it .
5 Deafness is unique among disabilities in that it is the clearest example we have of the way a different experience of the world can forge a completely different approach to life , which is expressed through a separate and unique language and culture .
6 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
7 An example he cites of the way drugs are pervading the industry is the experiment with BST hormone which is being injected into cows , including animals on farms in Somerset , to improve milk yields .
8 Go back now in case he leaves by the way he came .
9 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
10 One dairy farm he visited on the way to Albuquerque had 750 cows which were milked three times a day through a 24/24 side-exit herringbone parlour .
11 Up until now there has been no uniformity of presentation of nutrition information ; a manufacturer has been free to give what information he wants in the way he chooses to express it .
12 Mr Browning said it was probably a bird he hit on the way , and later cleaned the car .
13 And that 's what makes , that 's how it is , that 's the only , only step I had on the way you know what you 're doing .
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