Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
2 As we march up the grass towards the motel building I put my arm around Laverne , who knows he 's in for it .
3 Because of course I have my voice in here with me , as well as my hands .
4 I appreciate that your vanity was stirred by this invitation , and of course I understand your regret at having to decline it , but frankly I think your friend is a little jejune .
5 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
6 In the Airds ' duplex apartment I hung my raincoat over Tessa 's second mink with a malign hope that it would drip , which involved me in turning in my tracks after a minute or two to take the gesture back .
7 ‘ The horse I put my money on fell over in the mud , you see .
8 In her bedroom she buried her face in the pillow while numerous sobs escaped her , shaking her slim body uncontrollably .
9 She was aware of the colour touching her cheeks and in confusion she tore her gaze from his , picked up her glass , took a mouthful of orange juice and stared with furious intent into the depths of her glass .
10 In Stevie 's study she shook her head over the desk with its shattered lock .
11 I could scarcely bear to watch the mental torture you put my daughter through that evening .
12 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
13 In the shower-room she rinsed her face with cold water .
14 Despite her fear she caught her breath at such beauty .
15 With a deep moan of pleasure she guided his head to her breasts , arching back as she felt his mouth wetly caressing them .
16 But by harnessing this useful emotion we restrict their sinning to the erotic sphere , and produce a countervailing integrity in their governing .
17 But may I politely suggest that in future they beat their meat in the privacy of their own studio instead of soiling our evening with such toss ?
18 Cheese and onion little pasties they made and Laura did n't want to eat any for tea they did their nut with her
19 We can only speculate on Wordsworth 's political beliefs before 1792 — in The Prelude he attributes his awakening to a French soldier , Beaupuy — ( see below ) .
20 Shortly after his defeat he announced his retirement from politics .
21 His half-smile was rueful as with deliberate intention he smoothed his palm over her taut nipples , starting a wild drumming somewhere inside her .
22 During the Great War Daniels had proposed that the Headmaster should retire on his sixtieth birthday ( and his assistants on their 50th ! ) , and with this in mind he tendered his resignation in July 1928 : he would be sixty in December .
23 With College authorities he reached an unofficial arrangement whereby for a term he gave his salary to Francis Bacon whom he had asked to fill his place .
24 Or , one might say , the Reeve 's Prologue is where the Reeve makes his confession , publicly , and thus frees himself from the charge of seeing motes in the eyes of others and ignoring a beam in his own : which is just the figure he ends his Prologue with in commenting upon the Miller .
25 He threw his briefcase onto the floor , into the corner , and with all his force he slammed his door behind him .
26 In the lunch interval of the Test I made my way to the bar , where I saw the editor of the Herald , Mac Pollock , father of Springboks Peter and Graeme , and decided to discuss Vorster 's threat with him .
27 Well , if I erm said to one of my students something about that was a very good essay you wrote , in fact I 'd like to discuss it a little bit more down at the pub and down at the pub I put my hand on his knee perhaps in making a point about how good his essay was .
28 On reflection I regret my use in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 22 , of the keyholder analogy because keys can lock as well as unlock .
29 What a pity I lost my hat on the way here ! ’
30 ‘ When I was a boy I knew your part of the country very well , ’ he said .
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