Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] have be [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Michell 's work provided the opportunity researchers had been waiting for and Pat Gadsby and Chris Hutton-Squire , of the alternative technology magazine , Undercurrents , took up the challenge .
2 Other Administration figures had been calling for Bush to boycott the meeting , on the grounds that the US was coming in for excessive criticism .
3 Is this the relief that MS sufferers have been looking for ?
4 Although Jacquard looms have been going for over 100 years , improvements are still being carried out .
5 Community nurses have been waiting for news about how they are to be organised for some time , and uncertainty about the future is always bad for morale .
6 As opinion polls have been showing for years , hardly anyone believes the stuff about overmighty robber barons and wildcat shopfloor militants now .
7 Japanese share prices have been falling for three years and have more than halved in value since the peaks reached in 1989 .
8 This gives the guitarist the same facility for storing and recalling a library of sounds that keyboard players have been enjoying for years .
9 While some publishers have attempted to counter the decline in print runs for first time publications by pushing titles into paperback others have been looking for ways to revitalise their hardback sales .
10 Tropical timber producers have been pressing for the ITTA , which expires next year , to be replaced by a comprehensive agreement that also covers wood from temperate forests .
11 The engineering unions have been pressing for a 35-hour working week , but the deal at NEI — a subsidiary of Rolls-Royce — would satisfy their claim for a two-hour reduction in the working week .
12 Meanwhile government workers have been striking for a share of the oil windfall .
13 An hour later the village bobby was let into the house by Mr Lawson , and shortly afterwards they emerged together for the Chancellor to give the message the world 's money markets had been waiting for .
14 While the Council for British Archaeology 's Philip Thatz stated in an honest but politically inept way what treasure hunters have been saying for years that …
15 ‘ THIS drama about the decline of our coal mines has been running for at least 75 years .
16 This was reportedly a concession which US oil companies had been seeking for some time .
17 Sometimes this way of working is just what health workers have been looking for , but it has to be acknowledged that such an approach does not fit easily with the conventional mode of western medicine and what we have described as the medical model .
18 For years , American X-ray astronomers have been pushing for an Advanced X-ray Astrophysics facility ( AXAF ) which would have better sensitivity and resolution of detail , than all other X-ray telescopes presently planned .
19 In America , slow population growth means that housing starts have been falling for years .
20 Treasury Secretaries have been fighting for reinstatement ever since .
21 Because of its concerns about the consultants ' figures , convention officials have been pressing for an urgent meeting of a joint Scottish Office-COSLA working party on finance since early February but that has not taken place .
22 And , the way things had been going for Gerhard Berger , it was perhaps no surprise that it should be his McLaren which would suffer that fate .
23 THE golden moment millions of TV viewers have been waiting for goes on air tonight .
24 Sulphur candles had been burning for days , leaving the house free of vermin , then the whole place had been painted from top to bottom .
25 Dozens of street musicians have been competing for the title of Britain 's best busker .
26 Remember estate agents have been going for so long they say , Oh is that another folder ?
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