Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He said that the official in charge of antiquities at the Nasiriya Museum had received from the Americans a ‘ very small number ’ of terracotta objects dating back to the dawn of mankind and the Babylonian period , some of which had only recently been broken .
2 Tables listing 60 endowment companies published in the periodical Planned Savings show that the top performers for endowment policies paying out at the end of 1990 could do anything up to twice as well as companies at the bottom of the table .
3 Along the western edge of the valley were tumbling glaciers and high rock ramparts sweeping up from the great moraines and scree slopes to culminate in lofty , snowcapped summits .
4 And in the library there is a more recent collection of men 's pin-up books dating back to the Fifties .
5 According to the Environment Secretary , Michael Heseltine , British industry risks losing out on the business opportunities opened up by the need for new equipment to assess and control environmental problems .
6 It 's the nicest site around and from the surrounding countryside you 'd have seen the white mounds of the burial sites standing out against the sky , right against the heavens
7 This is very much in demand , with so many credit card thefts going on at the moment . "
8 She stared at the car lights going by on the ceiling and thought about her Diary and wondered how much they would pay her for it .
9 It is possible to find the origin of the synapses ending on cells of the type Hubel and Wiesel recorded from , and it is an amazing fact that 80 per cent or more of their excitatory input comes from other cortical cells , and less than 20 per cent from the nerve fibres coming up from the eye .
10 Then he heard Madra 's despairing cry , and turned to see the enemy Myrcans surging on to the ramparts , their staffs swinging , cutting down the defenders like corn .
11 Even if your usual practice is to use handwritten notes there will be times when typed notes are preferable such as a difficult telephone conversation that you want on the record or a list of action points arising out of the meeting .
12 Layers of management have been stripped out and restrictive labour practices dating back to the Red Clyde era have disappeared .
13 By the outbreak of war , with the Boy Scouts riding along on the crest of a wave , the figure stood at 150,000 .
14 And when he come into the pub he hears the village lads singing along with the machine and he has a go himself and gets to talking with everyone .
15 The Army was more ambivalent : while welcoming the end of National Service and the return to ‘ real soldiering ’ with a regular army , the Army Council looked askance at the loss of 51 regiments , 17 of which were infantry battalions with battle honours stretching back over the centuries .
16 ‘ A lot of people would never deny the Shangri-Las , a great band produced by Shadow Morton , were fake girl singers going along with the producer 's ideas . ’
17 Etna , on the island of Sicily , has been whooshing and thumping away in one or other of its twin summit craters intermittently for hundreds of years — Milton refers to it as ‘ Thundering Aetna ’ in Paradise Lost — and the lurid spectacle of gouts of lava being ejected from the crater every few minutes makes an odd contrast with the winter sports going on on the smooth , snowy slopes beneath the summit .
18 On his left — but for the bungaloid eruption — ; there would have been sand dunes going down to the deep blue sea of the Channel ; the stretch of golden sand — had it not been for the litter — making a gentle curve for five miles .
19 I can just imagine Women 's Institute ladies creeping out in the night to pinch jam jars from from graveyards .
20 Next door the Northern Bank was severely damaged with window frames jutting out of the cracked masonry .
21 Others , being anciently established , also have manuscript materials going back to the days of their foundation in the Middle Ages or the Tudor period .
22 It appears to us all that there has been a significant drop in the numbers of telephone enquiries coming in to the Library since the new system went in .
23 ‘ And it is not going to be won ’ , says Mr Carlson , ‘ by a bunch of biplane pilots flying round by the seat of their pants . ’
24 There was a low-slung sofa with a faded loose cover ; a rocking-chair with canvas strips hanging out of the bottom ; and a broad oak table on metal castors .
25 The Fletchers had a flat on the first floor of one of the fine period houses dating back to the bad old days of the monarchy and the Iron Guard .
26 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
27 13 other travellers were dealt with by the court for a variety of motoring offences arising out of the Castlemorton event .
28 The CPR created no fewer than 600 new communities with villages , towns , and farming settlements growing out from the railway stations .
29 Crowds waited outside the venue to catch a glimpse of pop stars turning up for the awards ceremony , being televised on ITV by Carlton tonight .
30 Even when set up correctly some units have their clip lights coming on at the slightest provocation , while the Alpha seems to have more headroom before it clips , which should therefore mean less chance of unwanted distortion .
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