Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb past] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paper seller Gerard O'Hare , 18 , had just got home when two members of the outlawed Ulster Freedom Fighters burst into the house with guns blazing .
2 She reached for the desk lamp and was just about to turn off the light when the sudden glare of car headlights flashed into the office , illuminating everything .
3 The tracksuit tops went into the back , on top of the Skorpion machine-pistol .
4 Another one of these antique soldier boys came into the room and said , ‘ General Midwinter , ’ and both the red-coats went into a state of paralysed rigidity .
5 Although about a hundred rugby balls went into the sea on game days none were ever seen floating on the water for long .
6 When the house was empty at the beginning of the century following the owner 's death , some village children crept into the orchard and began to collect apples .
7 Fifty minutes after she left , at about 3pm , two UFF gunmen walked into the Jon David salon in the west of the city and shot Mr Hughes ( 40 ) several times .
8 At this moment Tibbles came into the room .
9 That night there had been a dinner for some of his London friends , they sat up late and there was a kind of wager , they went out into the park , it was a chilly night , and Simon in his evening clothes jumped into the water-piece .
10 The Hudson 's Bay Company would have had to change the way it did business completely if it wanted to convert its coastal settlements to which Indians came to sell their furs into bases from which fur trading parties went into the interior .
11 It shocked the earth it slammed into , and those shock waves slammed into the soles of your feet and raged through your body and paralysed your mind .
12 The new consumer goods came into the household slowly — because of him .
13 The most prominent of these was Alexander Herzen who emigrated in 1847 and in 1853 founded a Free Russian Press in London which launched a tradition of radical émigré journals smuggled into the Empire .
14 While Ben Elton and co , the Comic Strip crew and other Comedy Store gag masters emerged into the TV limelight as the Eighties wore on , Paul Merton remained a relatively lesser-known name .
15 Vortigern consulted magicians who told him he should build a stronghold in Wales but as his workers set to work on a hill in Snowdonia their building materials sank into the earth .
16 Some of the gang members got into the car while others sat on the vehicle 's bonnet .
17 This was indeed the last straw : ‘ I never 'ad , a bit 'o luck , ’ said our landlady , ‘ since yew girls came into the 'ouse ! ’
18 Tear gas cannisters broke into the mob .
19 Oliver 's beach friends straggled into the café , grumbling at the abrupt change of weather .
20 The streets emptied , the shops shut , the donkey boys retreated into the shade , and government offices closed .
21 Strange buzzsaw keenings ate into the void , disturbing the wavebands for hundreds of kilometres around .
22 ‘ If information on a person 's political allegiance gained from ballot papers fell into the hands of unscrupulous individuals such as paramilitaries , then that person 's life could be at risk . ’
23 Rescue services dug into the rubble to bring out the survivors and the bodies of the dead including the principal of a Catholic school .
24 In the 1700s , the Roos and Sledmere estates came into the Sykes family , who still live at Sledmere House , on the Yorkshire Wolds .
25 The nation 's press were invited to tour the facility earlier this month and reporters , cameramen and TV crews went into the heart of the plant .
26 He had been cooking because beef-flavoured steam droplets fell into the air around him in the fractional gravity of Mars , and mingled with the tiniest hint of sweat on his fingers were odoriferous particles of fresh garlic .
27 Fire crews broke into the back bedroom and pulled out Shona Smith , 16 months , and Gavin Hurley , 8 .
28 One of the prison officers came into the room .
29 After a period of blossoming in the 1970s , during which time homosexuals came into the public eye and fought militantly for their rights , the majority of gay organisations became institutionalised .
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