Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pitt introduced income taxes to pay for the Napoleonic Wars .
2 The pressure on computer manufacturers to provide for the proper disposal of used computer equipment , which goes beyond dumping it into approved landfills , continues to build from both within and without the industry .
3 The widening of the franchise , albeit within the confines of the PCC , whose membership was estimated to be 600,000 , was seen as an important step and offered some hope to opposition groups campaigning for a future independent parliament .
4 The report prompted opposition parties to call for the immediate resignation of the Finance Minister , Manmohan Singh , and the governor of the Reserve Bank .
5 Wide margins , the suggestions given above and colour coding during study periods make for an attractive and useful set of notes .
6 Report of the Royal Commission on Local Government ( 1969 ) ( Redcliffe-Maude Report ) ( among the research studies undertaken for the Royal Commission were one on Economies of Scale in Local Government , another on the Performance and Size of Local Education Authorities , and a third on Aspects of Administration in a Large Local Authority ) ;
7 The protein components required for the basal expression of classical pol III genes were previously identified as TFIIIB and TFIIIC for the AB-type promoters , with TFIIIA being additionally required for transcription of the gene for ribosomal 5S RNA ( AC-type ) .
8 Headland is buying Multisoft , a software group which makes business accounting systems designed for the personal computer market .
9 Fostering breakdowns account for an increasing number of admissions to residential care .
10 Milton Keynes made two more champions this week , as Britain 's top ice skaters competed for the National Title at the Bladerunner club .
11 Similarly , general practitioners are unlikely to have the management resources to contract for the full range of services required by a local population .
12 Libel damages call for a metaphysical evaluation of dignity , a compensation , in many cases , for loss of amour propre which may be higher than the courts would award for the loss of an arm or a leg .
13 As shopping centres prepared for a busy Saturday , anti-terrorist chief Commander David Tucker warned the IRA could strike in any major city .
14 In the week that council leaders meet for the annual conference of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities in Dunblane , he has made a further appeal for a less confrontational relationship , and one which puts people and the quality of services before politics .
15 Mr Mitsotakis , who stood aside for one of his backbenchers , Tzannis Tzannetakis , to form an interim government with the support of the left , is confident of gaining the extra 2-3 percentage points needed for an overall majority next month .
16 At the SAD conference in Crieff in October 1986 on " Dementia : Planning Innovative Services in the Community " a debate developed between those who saw an overriding need to integrate dementia sufferers with the rest of their community , both at home and within the various services for elderly people and , on the other hand , those who saw a need to provide separate specialist services to cater for the special needs of dementia sufferers , which had been neglected in the past .
17 The development plans submitted by the local planning authorities for the Home Counties provide for a green belt , some 7 to 10 miles deep , all around the built-up area of Greater London .
18 Simple machine tools accounted for the basic design of his cars .
19 A massive range of policies included a Job Opportunities scheme for the long-term unemployed ; " Head Start " to provide pre-school education for poor children ; " Upward Bound " to provide college places for the poor ; adult literacy programmes ; Volunteers for Service in America , a type of domestic peace corps ; Neighbourhood Youth Corps to provide part-time jobs .
20 A search is now under way to find a medium with a reliably long shelf-life , because even if our present-day sound recordings last for a full century ( which is doubtful ) , our successors will have to copy the whole collection every hundred years or so .
21 Farzad Bazoft , an Iranian-born freelance journalist with British residency rights working for the London-based Sunday newspaper the Observer , was hanged as a spy in Baghdad on March 15 .
22 Although December 's new credit levels were substantially ahead , a number of retailers have suggested that cash payments accounted for a significant proportion of spend .
23 The West could certainly produce more than it does , but equally certainly not enough to deal with the huge population increases projected for the developing world in the coming century .
24 The Council 's permission for many priests to share in a single concelebration was again , initially , limited to a very few occasions , but before the end of the 1960s the absurdity of the former practice had become rather obvious and concelebration was rapidly becoming the norm for all circumstances where the number of priests exceeded the number of community Masses needed for a pastoral purpose .
25 Measures passed in December include : a national drug company to buy from foreign companies and sell generic drugs without brand names ( at low prices ) ; a limit of three versions of any one drug to be on sale and a special tax on foreign drug firms to pay for the national company .
26 Walker , who has turned 30 and has been at Tynecastle for over three years , will get his full international grounding at a time when goalkeeping problems abound for the national coach .
27 As was noted in Chapter 4 , local education authorities have for a long time had a duty to provide special education for handicapped children .
28 In projects designed to support small ( and larger-scale ) entrepreneurs various forms of ‘ leakage ’ are frequent : credit funds ear-marked for a particular purpose are deployed for entirely different purposes , or for the purchase of domestic assets .
29 More than 1,000 women have been recalled for a repeat smear test after it was revealed Practice Nurse Ina Gordon used a wooden spatula designed for holding down the tongue instead of special metal spatulas made for the vital tests .
30 Could there not be in every tube station , railway station and bus station , and on bus shelters — especially in rural regions — specially prepared posters with information to tell people where day and night shelters exist for the homeless ?
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