Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [subord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This suggests the ‘ substitutive ’ wealth tax , which can be paid from income leaving wealth intact as opposed to the ‘ additive ’ wealth tax , which necessarily involves the sale of assets and corresponds to a strong aim of reducing wealth inequality .
2 A statutory demand under s 268 , Insolvency Act 1986 could not be made to recover tax payable as determined by the General Commissioner when the notice of that amount had not been served on the taxpayer at his usual or last known place of residence under s 115 , TMA 1970 , according to Chancery Division in Re a Debtor ( No 124/50/91 ) , Ex Parte the Debtor v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 888 .
3 However , good and indispensable as personal libraries are , they are of necessity puny when compared with the whole store of human knowledge .
4 have the pleasure Mr Chairman , I too would like to erm home in on the subject of traffic calming as identified by the previous speakers and er I start with viewpoint that the Liberal Democrat case has been put in which is
5 When they got to the bedroom , further surprises awaited them : ‘ Out of one of the beds , on which we were to repose , started up , at our entrance , a man black as Cyclops from the forge . ’
6 Sitting comfortably , idly flicking the shuffle function on your CD remote whilst musing on the stereo imaging afforded by the new Digital Compact Cassette players ?
7 Despite a conspicuous absence of the merest shred of evidence that Nizan had " betrayed " the PCF in any sense other than resigning from the party itself , it was objectively impossible for a communist in postwar France to view Nizan in terms other than those of betrayal and treachery .
8 There is no way out of the Upper Kirk other than scrambling to the left or right on to the higher ground .
9 It is concluded that oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation confers no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival and that it is not cost effective as judged by the current health care costs in the United Kingdom .
10 The relief exhibited by the highest mountains and the deepest oceanic trenches , although apparently spectacular , is in fact trivial when compared with the dimensions of the Earth as a whole .
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