Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [prep] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The erm , importance of monitoring procedures can not be over-stressed because enable , to enable us to actually find out if these er , arrangements are working properly we do have to monitor the arrangements that are in place , and we have to provide details of monitor important for the members ' benefit , er , explaining how the budget is er , is being spent , and also bringing in information about the number of assessments , the levels of assessments , and all the other aspects that er , that make a new system work .
2 As it faces the power of capital organized in interlocking but legally separate corporate entities , labour is now cut up into atomized units of which the boundaries are by law coterminous with the employers ' definitions of employment units in both private and public sectors .
3 Unfortunately for Albert he was made 12th man and , with no substitutes allowed in those days , spent the match idle on the players ' bench .
4 Changes in traffic noise at these sites affected subjective response in a manner consistent with the investigators ' findings , and the investigators therefore predict that , to the extent that noise levels have remained constant at these sites , subjective response will also have remained constant .
5 Secondly , is the fact that there was no separate independent advice fatal to the plaintiffs ' claim ?
6 Like the woman famed in the bairns ' rhyme , ‘ who lived in a shoe , and had so many children she did not know what to do , ’ Martha in her Boat-house kept so many lodgers — the cooking of meals , making of beds , and washing of linen for such a host made her often remark , ‘ I have so much wark , I dinna know what to do first ; ’ and then she had a husband to work for .
7 Letters or articles advocating a switch to political pluralism ‘ would be an act against socialism , ’ according to Mr Tran Cong Man , Deputy Secretary General of the Journalists ' Association .
8 The material used was cheap , readily available — very often with attractive photographs or other illustrated matter — and took up space unfilled by the papers ' own journalists .
9 Confronted with the new philosophy that winning is the name of the game , student rugby , with its romantic vision of fun and entertainment , seemed increasingly out of touch with the pragmatic reality prevailing in the unions ' corridors of power .
10 The risk involved in the defendants ' operations was so great that a high degree of care was expected of them .
11 As a mark of respect , Edouard Balladur , the new prime minister , postponed a report critical of the Socialists ' term in office .
12 The expert refused to do what the lessors wanted him to do , namely to rewrite his certificate in a way which he thought would make the certificate conclusive against the lessees ' interests .
13 It was also stated that a ‘ scam ’ had been running for quite some time prior to the defendants ' involvement .
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