Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Their house is a repository rich with the things they have n't been able to bring themselves to sell .
2 As the suppliers of a ‘ green ’ product , he uses recyclable packaging and gives an explanation of the term organic on the cartons which helps keep customers informed and hopefully helps to educate some of them too !
3 ( d ) Other rights Where the tenant has been granted rights ( eg a right of support ) the landlord will be entitled to rights that are in their nature reciprocal to the rights he has granted , or is taken to have granted , to the tenant ( Re Webb 's Lease [ 1952 ] Ch 808 ) .
4 And he wandered away down the path , leaving the groups walking together , approaching only the single ones , keeping a wary eye open for the police who occasionally patrolled unexpectedly .
5 The cost of land drainage or irrigation , buildings and other fixed capital equipment , machinery and livestock means that a farm business has an extremely high level of capitalisation relative to the returns which can be obtained .
6 He admits to being a little bit partial to the cakes he makes , but as Cyril says , it has n't done him much harm , has it ?
7 I was certain the LEA officers would find the industrial experience useful in the changes which Wirral , like many other LEAs , is undergoing following recent education legislation .
8 Perhaps surprisingly , even today most of these metals are still of considerable importance and few ‘ new ’ metals have superseded them except for certain specialised uses ; one metal unknown to the ancients which is used in large quantities today is aluminium .
9 Alexandra stole a look at her grandmother , beautiful celebrated Charlotte Bewick with her wine-red hair full of the diamonds her husband had given her , dressed in a flowing thing of cream silk and wrapped in furs .
10 Later you are going to have an opportunity to do some writing similar to the pieces you have heard , however , if you have been fidgeting and not concentrating , you wo n't know what to do big boys .
11 At the end of the body of the lease prior to the schedules there will be what is known as the testimonium and , while there is in law no necessity for a testimonium , one is almost invariably included .
12 We have arranged a policy suitable for the watersports we provide with certain Underwriters at Lloyds through T.L. Ireland & Co .
13 ‘ Come on , Matt , ’ she would say , calling him at two or three in the morning , her voice hoarse with the cigarettes she chain-smoked .
14 Apart form some early experiments , which can be extremely sparse , his compositions largely avoid the reductionism fundamental to the serialists who attracted so much attention in the Sixties .
15 Needless to say , both approaches made life difficult for the officials who were doing the actual negotiating .
16 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
17 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
18 The show has everything a dog could want , even career opportunities , with advice on hand available from the professionals themselves .
19 In order for this to be useful , we have to access information relevant to the faces we recognise : is this a friend , a relative , some national celebrity ?
20 Or , perhaps , it was in some way due to the directions we gave them ?
21 This satisfied few but left the way open for the Bolsheviks who soon controlled the army and all communications and transport in Petrograd .
22 Mr Small , however , argued that it was ‘ highly questionable whether the losses suffered by Linter on its failure were in fact attributable to the transactions which are the subject of the statement of claim .
23 The internal relations of the multiple ‘ voices ’ in Brooke-Rose 's parodies are considerably more complex than in the examples Bakhtin analyses ; though their ‘ orientations ’ are not always directly opposed , they nevertheless succeed in deflecting the text away from its nominal object and making the reader aware of the devices they use .
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