Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] be [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The subtle , instinctive mind pattern of an insect may be looking for the particular infrared , pheromone emission which signifies the presence of his lady-love .
2 A further contingency sum or reserve should be kept for the project manager to deal with matters outside the control of the design teams .
3 Certainly not the LTA , whose income should be used for the development of the game in practical ways .
4 Responsibility should be defined for the provision of tools , plant and equipment and the supply and erection of scaffolding , and the terms and conditions of use of standing scaffolding , site huts and general amenities .
5 The two species sometimes associate in the fields , and their behaviour is similar , so a special watch must be kept for the stock dove .
6 The second recommendation was that a single budget should be established for the care of elderly people in the community , with contributions from the NHS and from local authorities .
7 If breaking bulk involves the transfer of potentially harmful materials to other containers provision should be made for a sink , water supply and worktop .
8 More provision should be made for the under-fives ; teachers ' aides should be recruited and trained ; problem areas should get extra teachers ; home-school relations should be improved , and a triangular partnership of home-school-child established .
9 Special provision should be made for the 2,000 or so full-time adult education staff , including LEA organizers , along the lines suggested in the first Haycocks Report .
10 Provision should be made for the chairing of each meeting and for the taking of votes .
11 Accordingly , provision should be made for the expenses of cleaning and maintaining the sanitary facilities .
12 The messenger descends quickly enough when its propellant vanes collapse , so provision must be made for a soft landing of any weighty camera unit .
13 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
14 Adequate provision must be made for the various kinds of aquatic plants , for some prefer the shallows around the pool while others require much deeper water .
15 The 1988 social security changes have always been on the agenda of the project and with the abolition of additional requirements and single payments , new sources of support must be found for the core families .
16 If Britain is to maintain its tradition of excellent clinical research adequate support must be provided for the clinical costs of research .
17 The tribunal which decided the case considers the application , but , if it is allowed , the case must be listed for a tribunal composed of different people to be heard afresh .
18 Before M w can be calculated from light scattering measurements , the specific refractive index increment must be known for the particular polymer + solvent system under examination .
19 The wheel may be used for the identification of objects , for forming original sentences based on the pictures , and for building up stories around the picture ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
20 Although a deal may be concluded for a strategically important acquisition at a fair price , the subsequent financial success of such an acquisition will be often dependent on the appropriateness of the deal structure .
21 Simultaneously , a programme of study must be planned for the whole key stage bearing in mind what comes before and after .
22 But there is also no doubt in his mind that an alternative must be found for the smaller company .
23 It is not simply the extremity of the violence which concerns us : we found it extremely disturbing that highly explicit depictions of mutilation , savagery , menace and humiliation should be presented for the entertainment of an audience in a way that appeared to emphasise the pleasures of sadism .
24 There were jeers when Stephanie McKenzie-Hill argued that the North Down association should be asked for a commitment to support the party manifesto , including the agreement .
25 The contributors regularly asserted that a university was not a democracy , and that academic study should be reserved for an elite by concentrating attention and opportunity only upon students endowed with " unusual gifts " .
26 For recognition systems which use electronic paper ( tablet and display combined ) there remains a user-interface problem of exactly when the display of script should be removed for the recognised text to appear .
27 In other words , revenue should be shown for the period in which it is earned and not when it is paid .
28 Engel explains , ‘ … research must be undertaken for the right reasons .
29 As mentioned above , a comprehensive programme should be prepared for the whole job , but when the contractor is appointed he will prepare his own contract programme and there will inevitably be a need to adjust the surveyor 's programme in order to harmonise with the activities of the contractor .
30 The debate on how the rule should be formulated for the purposes of the American Law Institute 's Corporate Governance Project has revealed the battle lines of those who favour leaving the disciplining of management to the market and those who see an important role for the courts .
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