Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] not [verb] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 A slowdown in investment may not hit growth for a while .
2 Historical study can not make place for any such absoluteness , let alone demonstrate it .
3 With the first round of the Regal championship the likely highlight , the meeting should n't lack interest for this series has been a winner from the start .
4 But the site wo n't come on-stream for at least another 5 years :
5 The Act also stipulates that a manufacturer 's guarantee can not exclude liability for damage caused or loss suffered as a result of the manufacturer 's negligence .
6 The examiner can not give credit for irrelevancy , because that would be unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were asked .
7 Despite the imposition of price controls , his government could not win acceptance for its pay restraint policy on the part of the TUC .
8 At the EC level , and after 13 years in power , the Government can not escape responsibility for the operation of the CAP .
9 Personal property is the responsibility of the individual and the University will not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen .
10 To summarise the exposition so far , a fiduciary can not exclude liability for fraud , deliberate breach of duty and possibly gross negligence .
11 Similarly , a bad workman can not blame witchcraft for his poor craftsmanship .
12 Is it not an absolute absurdity that that person should spend an extra week in prison and my elderly pensioner couple should not get compensation for the damage that they suffered as a result of the burglary ?
13 As the School can not accept responsibility for loss , parents are advised to have the appropriate insurance .
14 If , for some reason ( like recent starvation ) , a mare can not provide milk for its newborn foal , and a person should feed the foal , the mare and foal still develop deep bonds of affection providing they are kept together .
15 The occupier can not exclude liability for death or personal injuries caused by negligence ( s. 2(1) ) .
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