Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] have [been] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The Queen 's Press Secretary , Charles Anson , has apologised to the Queen and the Duchess of York for a row after the announcement of the Yorks ' separation which suggested that the Duchess may have been unsuitable for Royal life .
2 Frank and Wallerstein 's versions of the international division of labour may have been accurate for some countries during some periods , but the re-formation of capitalism on a global scale in the latter part of the twentieth century has rendered it increasingly less so .
3 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
4 The trip home must have been hazardous for Mars alone had suffered 72 hits , leaving 29 of her complement dead and 85 wounded , and she now had three feet [ 0.9 m ] of water in her hold .
5 So I doubt if our hero would have been good for many heroics after swigging that .
6 But Northumbria Police now say a dum-dum bullet illegal ammunition which causes maximum injury by shattering inside the body may have been responsible for the injuries after a flat-headed bullet was found in a post mortem .
7 The Gulf War may have been responsible for the postponement of the finals of the Head/Isrotel/Tennis World tournament , which were due to be staged at the end of 1990 , for one year , but it certainly did n't dampen the enjoyment of the 12 regional winners who eventually took off for Eliat at the end of November 1991 .
8 This is the last bond to be actively redeemed until 1957 when a minor flurry of interest in activating redemption might have been responsible for some bond buying-in activity , although the Club waited until 1983 for the total buying-in to take place .
9 Government agents were suspected , but it was also realised that a freelance group could have been responsible for the killings .
10 Gasoline would have been ideal for a sudden blaze ; the sealed nuclear drive was useless in that respect .
11 Roxburgh had said the occasion would have been worthwhile for Scotland if the friendly match yielded a genuine contender for a place in the fiercely competitive atmosphere of Lisbon 's Stadium of Light next month .
12 Such a theory might have been tailor-made for the justification of the housebound mother .
13 If Stamford had been a vigorous industrial town like Nottingham or Leicester , the results of this feudal control would have been disastrous for the health and housing of the population .
14 Also both control and histamine treated tumours had a similar proportion of malignant cells , stroma , and vascularisation , suggesting direct proliferative effects on the xenograft may have been responsible for the increased size .
15 Life should have been good for Pamela Wray .
16 The army might have been different for here was one ‘ duty ’ I thought I would enjoy , or at least understand .
17 The degree of colonic bioavailability might have been insufficient for other reasons .
18 In 1968 the British Medical Journal documented a case that suggested the pill might have been responsible for causing something akin to St Vitus 's Dance .
19 The findings mean that , contrary to previous opinion , people of the same cultural background may have been responsible for the paintings at El Castillo and Niaux .
20 It has been suggested that such a speculative bubble may have been responsible for the rapid rise in equity prices in 1987 .
21 Obviously Wordsworth 's performance in his studies at school must have been outstanding for him to have started off at Cambridge with such a lead , and it is hardly surprising that in the college examination in 1787 he was placed in the first class .
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