Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous ( West 1969 ; Jones 1979b ) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining .
2 A taxpayer may have emigrated to the Channel Islands .
3 And whatever attractions Church and throne may have had for the peasantry , their hold on educated society was being slowly eroded .
4 Over two years , let us say , £100,000 of income may have accrued to the settlement .
5 I venture to add a few observations of my own only because I have to confess to having been a somewhat reluctant convert to the notion that the words which Parliament has chosen to use in a statute for the expression of its will may fall to be construed or modified by reference to what individual members of Parliament may have said in the course of debate or discussion preceding the passage of the Bill into law .
6 A year 's preparation may have gone into the assembling of a fleet of warships and transport vessels .
7 It is only the company itself which can take action against the auditors to remedy any damage which auditors ' negligence may have caused to the stakeholders .
8 Both the intermittent treatment schedule and intensive patient monitoring with mental support may have contributed to the good compliance .
9 Speaking from NatWest 's experience of the DTI report on its role in Blue Arrow 's rights issue , Lord Alexander said : ‘ I find it a simply awful process that people of 40 years ’ experience should have to resign on the basis of judgments in the report without having the opportunity of going through the regulatory process that you in Parliament provided . ’
10 In order to qualify , a successor must have resided with the tenant during the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death .
11 If the police could not prove that the accident was of such force and severity that the driver must have known of the accident , then the defence could put forward the saving in Harding v Price .
12 I rather think that the RN instructors on my course must have suffered at the hands of the Customs on returning from a foreign tour as they really gave us a hard time .
13 In a moment , a wave must have swept across the prison yard outside .
14 THE heady air of freedom must have gone to the PM 's head on her jaunt to Czechoslovakia and Hungary .
15 There is a component of the overtone , and this component must have mixed with the fundamental to produce two bands of similar intensity , each being more-or-less half fundamental and half overtone .
16 The abbey church of St Ricquier , built in the 790s , had galleries in its apses , and choir screens round the area of some of its altars , with the idea ( as we know from the ritual order of its Abbot Angilbert ) of dividing the monks ' and boys ' choirs ; the building must have echoed to the sound of these choirs as they answered each other antiphonally from different parts of it .
17 The diagnosis of chronic haemonchosis is more difficult because of the concurrent presence of poor nutrition and confirmation may have to depend on the gradual disappearance of the syndrome after anthelmintic treatment .
18 He added : ‘ Labour may have thrown in the towel , but the SNP will continue to lead the fight to defeat the poll tax and to rid our nation of the nuclear menace . ’
19 Previous success with the original Minnesota smoking prevention programme may have arisen from the experimental classroom conditions under which it was taught .
20 Pollen and ovule eating may have begun in the Carboniferous , the first ‘ modern ’ group with such mandibles , the Coleoptera , appearing in the Permian , with Diptera and Hymenoptera in the Triassic , and Lepidoptera in the Lower Cretaceous .
21 Indeed family disruption may have contributed to the illness .
22 Both these positions entail a great deal of risk ; going long produces the possibility of capital losses on the shares held , going short produces the possibility that the jobber may have to buy in the shares at a future date at expensive prices .
23 This distinction was developed in Rylands v. Fletcher into the rule that as a prerequisite to liability the defendant must have brought onto the land something ‘ which was not naturally there . ’
24 Like all else , the crumbling fabric must have mouldered into the ground of time , wiped from the face of the earth , turned from the quick to dust .
25 The total UUUC vote should have fallen in the less tense conditions .
26 Whatever the mechanism of the assumed intron loss is in the chlorophyte mitochondrial lineage , that massive loss should have appeared after the bifurcation of lower and higher plants .
27 The main force should have got into the town under the cover of a raid by the RAF , but by the time they were at the foot of the escarpment , this was almost over .
28 In its native China , the wheelbarrow 's narrow wheel might have sliced through the mud and found rock beneath , but here it just cut deep into the sand .
29 Their ‘ look ’ changes almost imperceptibly ; between 1975 and 1985 for instance , a major style point can be seen in the daywear of the young ( 24-year-old ) yah female : in 1975 her swanlike neck might have risen from the neat collar of a Jaeger shirt with single strand of pearls and a scarf tied as cravat in attendance .
30 This could , however , suggest too late a date for the work at Trier ( for it is very unlikely to have been after 325 ) , indeed , Parlasca ( 1975 , 77 ) thinks the mosaicist could have travelled in the opposite direction .
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