Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If , after filtering the clones , a probe having more than 2 ( N — 1 ) neighbours is found , it is reported as a ‘ suspect ’ one and the user may remove it from the analysis and repeat the procedure .
2 Anyone who wants to make a donation should send it to The Shaun Skelhorn Fund , c/o Lloyds Bank , Shopping City , Runcorn WA7 2DW or PO Box 111 , Runcorn , Cheshire , WA7 2XU .
3 Anyone who wants to make a donation should send it to The Shaun Skelhorn Fund , c/o Lloyds Bank , Shopping City , Runcorn WA7 2DW or PO Box 111 , Runcorn , Cheshire , WA7 2XU .
4 If the amendment is seconded by another person who has not spoken on the original motion , the Chairman must accept it as a new motion , subject to the provisos that the amendment is not a simple negative of the motion ; is relevant ; does not cover ground that has been dealt with under a previous amendment ; and is not frivolous nor illegal .
5 What is surprising is not that the rural past should be called up , but that the writer should invest it with the imaginative and emotional power that he does .
6 Merymose might get it in the neck from Kenamun , but if this madman was to be nailed quickly , the odd official would have to sacrifice his dignity .
7 Some critics believe it is already out of control and that the wave of public sector pay claims likely in the aftermath of Labour 's defeat could tip it over the top .
8 1 Breakfast in bed tends to be a luxury indulged in only on birthdays or when feeling ill , but our tray could turn it into a daily ritual .
9 The car would do it for a minute or two .
10 And then the other fella will take it to the plank .
11 Atheism is virtually unknown in pagan and rural societies , but this new rationalism will usher it into the modern world .
12 In particular we find the cases of what are called ‘ uses ’ or trusts — transactions whereby a man legally transfers land to another , but with an understanding that the transferee will hold it for the benefit of the former , or for the benefit of those whom he will name in his will .
13 This passes through a mile-long avenue of noble Scots pines ( denuded by a recent fire ) soon after leaving the village , crosses a bare upland with views of the mountains of Coulin Forest , and is joined by a road from Applecross for the last stage of the journey to Lochcarron ; our itinerary will join it at the junction after a tour of the Applecross peninsula which follows below .
14 Though apparently free , it needs its controller ; but the controller must release it to the natural powers , the wind and the air-thermals , if he wants to enjoy its flights .
15 After last night 's frost , the ice should hide it for a while . ’
16 The jail could become university college rooms , or its owners the county council might sell it for a hotel .
17 But the problem is if this is taken out of context with the rest of the statement , the judge might leave it to the jury .
18 I do n't like to blow my own trumpet but My Better Half could eat it to a band playing .
19 A more charitable and interpretive transliteration would render it as a ( i.e. ‘ unhatted ’ a with a long backstroke ( a .
20 The best speech synthesisers are capable of producing speech of such high quality that only an expert can distinguish it from a recording of a human being 's speech ; less sophisticated synthesisers are becoming so cheap that they can now be bought for attaching to ordinary micro-computers .
21 However , if the scheme is viewed as one that does not tax interest on savings , then more consumption in the future can be financed from a given volume of savings and those seeking a target future consumption can meet it with a lower level of current savings .
22 The boxes are currently in external alpha sites where the company hopes to validate some of the assumptions still swirling around NT and the Mips architecture such as whether a Mips NT machine can hack it in the Intel environment as a price/performance player .
23 If it is accepted as a defence , the purchaser should limit it to the actual knowledge of specific key individuals involved in negotiating the purchase rather than the knowledge of all its employees and advisers .
24 Western strategists maintained that the proposal not to deploy nuclear weapons in the Persian Gulf would leave it under the umbrella of Soviet nuclear weapons deployed in the Soviet Union .
25 And if a developer could not immediately secure rent from premises it builds at the dock , the Private Finance Initiative would provide it in the short-term , until the property market improves .
26 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
27 Further asset sales from breaking up ConsGold will put it in an even stronger position from which to launch further takeovers .
28 If an action is begun in the wrong court , that court may transfer it to the court with appropriate jurisdiction .
29 Accordingly , rather than declaring that question ( 4 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) has become otiose , I propose that the court should answer it in the negative .
30 If the deceased was prone to depression , the court could treat it as an example of the egg shell skull rule .
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