Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A sub-contractor who holds a C certificate may choose to present to the builder the ’ original ’ and ’ official copy ’ or alternatively a special certifying document ’ confirming that the company holds a tax certificate .
2 The user may wish to start at the beginning of the file , or at any other point .
3 For instance , a pupil with hemianopia or a diminished visual field may have to sit at an angle rather than square to the blackboard in order to use remaining vision usefully to discriminate what is on it .
4 Although a licensing board may resolve to call for the production of plans under the subsection in respect of a number of existing licences , a separate requirement must be recorded and intimated to the licence holder in respect of each licence separately .
5 Although the licensing board may resolve to call for the production of plans under this section in respect of a number of existing licences , a separate requirement must be recorded , and intimated to the licence-holder , in respect of each licence separately .
6 Any condition that a board may seek to attach to a licence can only be attached by a valid bye-law : Allied Breweries ( U.K. ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1985 S.L.T. 302.5.140(6) provides that bye-laws made under the 1959 Act continue in force .
7 Notwithstanding any direction the court may make , a child of sufficient understanding to make an informed decision may refuse to submit to an examination or other assessment ( s38(6) ) .
8 In reading Greenblatt it can too often seem that discussions of such selective parts of a play may appear to stand for the whole .
9 Speaking from NatWest 's experience of the DTI report on its role in Blue Arrow 's rights issue , Lord Alexander said : ‘ I find it a simply awful process that people of 40 years ’ experience should have to resign on the basis of judgments in the report without having the opportunity of going through the regulatory process that you in Parliament provided . ’
10 The network protocol basically decides what kind of adaptor your PC must have to connect to a LAN .
11 But crisis — particularly one which puts the USSR 's world position at risk — is something that the West should wish to avoid in the first place .
12 The English Courts can go no further , in the absence of a Bill of Rights " incorporating " the Convention into English law , than to apply it when interpreting ambiguous statutes , on the presumption that Parliament must intend to legislate in a manner consistent with the United Kingdom 's treaty obligations .
13 The diagnosis of chronic haemonchosis is more difficult because of the concurrent presence of poor nutrition and confirmation may have to depend on the gradual disappearance of the syndrome after anthelmintic treatment .
14 The reverse is also true , and the trough-drinking horse may refuse to drink from a dam .
15 This core of lava may continue to flow for a long while , but when the supply of fresh lava slows down at source , there will not be enough coming through to fill the whole volume of the core , so an empty space will be left , and this will form a long tube or tunnel running along the centre of the flow , sometimes for many kilometres .
16 Both these positions entail a great deal of risk ; going long produces the possibility of capital losses on the shares held , going short produces the possibility that the jobber may have to buy in the shares at a future date at expensive prices .
17 At a more substantial level , a president might agree to appear in the constituency of a key congressman at election time to provide him with highly visible and , possibly , crucial support .
18 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
19 The Tory-held seats at the last election which Labour would expect to win in the North-East are Darlington , Tynemouth , and Langbaurgh .
20 Labour would hope to rely on the combined votes of the Liberal Democrats , the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru .
21 ‘ No-one in his right mind would want to revert to the horrible inequality of the Victorian era or anything like that , ’ Leo said earnestly .
22 I mean , who in their right mind would want to jump from a great height with elastic tied round their ankles ?
23 It was clear that the department would need to move with the times if its pupils were to continue to get good results , and , encouraged by her new Head of Department , Joanne found herself entrusted with the management of a curriculum innovation for the intake year .
24 And while no carrier would want to be bound by terms and conditions other than those on the receipt message he sent , no transferee would want to pay for an electronic bill whose terms and conditions are other than those he received .
25 Ultimately it was only by becoming respectable that the movie industry would continue to survive as a free entrepreneurial enterprise .
26 What we almost certainly would do by such a devaluation process — from which the Labour Front Bench is now trying to distance itself — is to postpone decisions which industry would have to take in the end , anyway .
27 It is a useful exercise to look in detail at a particular school with which one is familiar and ask how much of current practice would have to change for the policies listed to be implemented .
28 A six-footer behind some-one of the same size in the driver 's seat would have to sit in a splayed knees/bent neck posture .
29 If they succeed without merit , the fault would appear to lie with the way the appeal system is operating rather than in regulation 72 as it is currently worded . ’
30 To achieve this effectively and on a large scale the teaching force would have to concentrate upon the narrow limits which had been set .
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