Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Invariably the surveyor 's work is associated with a property or business transaction and because investment and interest rates are an inevitable part of the project , delay or slow progress may prove unacceptable to a client .
2 Hearing : After they have been in their homes for quite a short time , people who live near railway lines cease to hear the sound of the passing trains , even though the noise may seem deafening to a visitor .
3 The existence of such a rule of recognition may take any of a huge variety of forms , simple or complex .
4 They , na , nan and granddad may have that as a sitting room to start with .
5 When these shops close down for the night , the sound of heavy breathing from their stock must rival that of a porn cinema .
6 I do n't imagine the dictionary would draw much of a distinction between the two trades . ’
7 If one suspect confesses and implicates the other , who does not confess , the confessor will go free as a reward for cooperation , while the partner is sent down for the maximum sentence , 10 years .
8 It is believed Oki will lie low for a while then pick another chip and start the process over again .
9 The mode of student attendance is more difficult to forecast , because while a full-time place for study will feature topmost in a candidate 's range of choices , the prospect of getting a job early may provide a stimulus for part-time study .
10 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
11 What may be laughed off by one child may send another into a panic of embarrassment , leaving a legacy of permanent caution in later years .
12 In the planning sphere it has been used to invalidate conditions attached to planning permission such as that the developer should construct an ancillary road over the frontage of the site at his own expense to which rights of passage should be given to others , and that a property developer should allow those on a council housing list to occupy the houses with security of tenure for 10 years.u The test has also been adopted in the context of industrial relations , though in this instance the decision attacked was upheld .
13 And then mother and child might lie awake for a while , locked in unique perplexities .
14 Some in the profession believe that with unemployment or underemployment among Scottish architects , overseas work could become more of a necessity than an option as time goes on .
15 But physical victory was a poor thing to a woman and little to preen herself on : any fool could disable another with a judicious cast of fist or foot , a neatly wielded weapon , a dirty trick .
16 The king 's wife , like the wives of other potentes , often remained at home while her husband journeyed and campaigned : throughout the medieval period , for as long as kings led armies in person , the queen 's role in household management could become tantamount to a regency .
17 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
18 ‘ The hut will stay warm for a while yet , ’ she ventured , despising the timid note in her voice , but powerless to disguise it .
19 No athlete can feel satisfied by a performance achieved with the aid of drugs ; natural success lasts much longer .
20 But that offence is one against propriety , against what a community may find appropriate to a particular time or place .
21 Land is in fixed supply , and what is considered uneconomic to develop in one period may prove profitable at a later date .
22 On the other hand , a picture destined for a drawing or sitting room might look better with a gold frame or a wooden one that complements the room .
23 Most historians at the moment would regard that as a wild overestimate .
24 ‘ Yes , ’ said Lydia , ‘ a funeral would feel pointless without a body .
25 ‘ I am not sure that the extra hours will bring in significant extra business , but staff will have to be paid for longer hours and security will become more of a problem .
26 Properly processed and buried nuclear waste will provide less of a pollution risk than the radiation-filled environment which we inhabit at present .
27 How can they hope their asthma will get better in a draughty , poorly insulated flat ?
28 If new information leads to a move in the futures price before the spot price , the basis will change prior to a change in the spot price .
29 The clinical teacher can become knowledgeable about a particular specialty , and will be aware of the demands of the ward .
30 This opinion can seem persuasive for a time , but we can not persist in it .
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