Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Invariably the surveyor 's work is associated with a property or business transaction and because investment and interest rates are an inevitable part of the project , delay or slow progress may prove unacceptable to a client .
2 Hearing : After they have been in their homes for quite a short time , people who live near railway lines cease to hear the sound of the passing trains , even though the noise may seem deafening to a visitor .
3 If one suspect confesses and implicates the other , who does not confess , the confessor will go free as a reward for cooperation , while the partner is sent down for the maximum sentence , 10 years .
4 It is believed Oki will lie low for a while then pick another chip and start the process over again .
5 The mode of student attendance is more difficult to forecast , because while a full-time place for study will feature topmost in a candidate 's range of choices , the prospect of getting a job early may provide a stimulus for part-time study .
6 And then mother and child might lie awake for a while , locked in unique perplexities .
7 The king 's wife , like the wives of other potentes , often remained at home while her husband journeyed and campaigned : throughout the medieval period , for as long as kings led armies in person , the queen 's role in household management could become tantamount to a regency .
8 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
9 ‘ The hut will stay warm for a while yet , ’ she ventured , despising the timid note in her voice , but powerless to disguise it .
10 No athlete can feel satisfied by a performance achieved with the aid of drugs ; natural success lasts much longer .
11 But that offence is one against propriety , against what a community may find appropriate to a particular time or place .
12 Land is in fixed supply , and what is considered uneconomic to develop in one period may prove profitable at a later date .
13 ‘ Yes , ’ said Lydia , ‘ a funeral would feel pointless without a body .
14 If new information leads to a move in the futures price before the spot price , the basis will change prior to a change in the spot price .
15 The clinical teacher can become knowledgeable about a particular specialty , and will be aware of the demands of the ward .
16 This opinion can seem persuasive for a time , but we can not persist in it .
17 The promise of plenty of planting can prove useful to a company in search of planning permission , so Waterers has found its services increasingly in demand by supermarket giants Sainsbury 's and Tesco as they try and inveigle their way on to the green belt .
18 Maybe one day Miles 's head would flip open like a kitchen bin to reveal a tangle of wires and transistors .
19 If you try to shackle Ian 's natural exuberance , you are taking away one of his biggest strengths and the roving goalscorer will look uncomfortable in a rigid system .
20 Insulating the tank like this will mean your water will stay hot for a longer time , and so should reduce water heating costs .
21 THE MORNING after what ranked as quite possibly the worst night out one person can have short of a lobotomy , I arrived in H.P. Central to find this lying on my desk .
22 The stitching can go rotten in a very short space of time and remember when you start the cross country course , ride with confidence or do not start !
23 It was supposed to be funny , but Clive thought Amelia 's kinkiness could get monotonous after a while .
24 It was no argument , he said , that the two offices must harmonize , as only one of the four elevations of the building would be seen with the Foreign Office , and with ‘ that exception the buildings should differ , because a picturesque style which might look well from a Park would look fantastic from a Street ’ .
25 Regular users of the Wye at Hereford say the river may look tempting on a warm evening , but looks are deceptive .
26 If the pews can be removed without incurring too much damage , a large area of floor space will become available for a range of activities — open-plan office use may be one of the most profitable and least damaging .
27 The glaze will stay shiny for a few days but after a week will begin to lose its gloss , so do n't decorate the cake too early .
28 Mid-Glamorgan fire chief Don Williams said : ‘ Wires where they enter the appliance can become frayed with a lot of use . ’
29 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
30 Consequently , the assisted party will not receive the full amount of a money award , the Board retaining sufficient to cover the shortfall , or other property will come subject to a charge , which may be enforced by the Board .
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