Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] you [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 For example , being born in a neighbourhood may entitle you to a higher place in the queue for housing provided by that local authority .
2 If you let it , fear will hurl you into a sick , cold terror .
3 Eight ‘ first ’ books for under one pound will strike you as a remarkable offer right now .
4 You can use a stronger line which is less likely to be cut ; but , inevitably its extra weight and drag will put you at a disadvantage in terms of manoeuvrability .
5 So said Freud , it 's no wonder that people believe in religion , because religion can provide you with a lot , with a lot of gratification , but the fundamental psychological explanation for this , says Freud , is that these feelings that religion gratifies in adult life , are transferences of feelings that we all had in infancy .
6 If , however , this is not the case , the specialist may put you on a long course of low dose antibiotics .
7 If you are about to invest , our 20 point plan will guide you to a failsafe purchase .
8 If you are about to invest , our 20 point plan will guide you to a failsafe purchase .
9 On a fast , gusty launch a wooden glider will treat you to a series of creaks and groans , and occasionally bangs , which are alarming until you realize that it is all pretence and that the structure is not in the least danger of breaking up .
10 In a new job , a few quick drinks after work can provide you with a great deal of information and understanding .
11 The spirit of 1992 and European unity could get you on a freebie to the Himalayas .
12 By Hilary Applegate IF YOUR garden suffers from slow-draining surface water , slow plant growth or shallow rooting , it could pay dividends to find out whether a soil profile could provide you with a diagnosis .
13 The palette will guide you towards a wide range of violets from the very dull to the bright .
14 Lock your door , set whatever device will rouse you at a definite time ( cooking-timer , flashing alarm clock , vibrator ) — set it to go off in eight minutes .
15 She threatened journalists Ray Richmond and Matt Roush : ‘ My husband will meet you in an alley any time — and beat the hell outta you . ’
16 In the north and east the Curled or Lesser Octopus Eledone cirrhosa may treat you with a colourful appearance .
17 If you are weekly tenant your landlord must provide you with a rent book otherwise he/she may be guilty of a criminal offence .
18 Only the Policy Document , written in plain English , tells you everything about what is and is not covered ( Sun Alliance will provide you with a copy of the Policy if you wish ) .
19 Available at a small charge and with special supervision given , the spa can provide you with a healthy breakaway in Amsterdam .
20 In any case the education authority should provide you with an indemnity form for each student on Work Experience .
21 No matter how complex your lift problem , or the extent of your budget , a syumpathetic lift specialist with the range of technical solutions and the necessary understanding and experience of the hotel environment can provide you with a satisfactory solution .
22 ‘ Compared to many other parts of Europe , property in Portugal is relatively low-priced so the extra amount of money would lift you into a different , far higher bracket .
23 He goes on : ‘ Any wholesale firm will provide you with a coffin as long as you pay ; they 're not fussy who they provide . ’
24 If you find you can not afford a pony at present , the British Horse Society will provide you with a list of approved Horse Sanctuaries .
25 Leila will put you in a light trance .
26 Any abdominal operation will leave you with an inability to lift or carry things for at least a month .
27 Er last years 's were reported er under the er Chairman 's action procedure to the committee and I 'm sure the county secretary can assist you with a copy of a schedule which was in fact a statutory background paper .
28 A mule will carry you in an easy day 's ride from the rim to the very bottom of the Canyon .
29 Stand under his tree acting crazy and the squirrel will take you for a nut .
30 The steward will provide you with a local guide . ’
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