Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] they [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Home Office officials are keen to watch the progress of these schemes and in future could include them as a qualification for senior police posts .
2 Labour will punish them with a vengeance . ’
3 Next year another cut will bring them to a mere £182m .
4 That fundamental divide will put them at a permanent disadvantage in endeavours to provide quality services to the citizen .
5 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
6 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
7 The Blueharts game should provide them with a confidence-building win .
8 It was n't until the beginning of 1969 that they realized the paper could provide them with a regular income .
9 Or they may hope that their contribution to the household economy will restore them to a special place in their parents ' affections .
10 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
11 Tho' saucy Wits shou 'd tell them with a Sneer ,
12 Students may enter complex calculations from sources such as passed examination papers and the computer will take them through a solution step by step .
13 Their individual programming of experience will lead them to a different viewpoint of the world and circumstances .
14 She never knew when a walk might lead them past a location which was imprinted with Sylvie 's presence .
15 The grandfather was a favourite with the neighbouring children too , ‘ a great one for stories ’ , and in the summer would sit them on a seat outside his door , ‘ not only his own grandchildren but other children about , listening to the tales he used to tell , about old Dumfries ’ : of the murderess Mary Timmony , for example , the last woman publicly hanged in Dumfries .
16 Tea and coffee should be strictly limited , and the patient should drink them from a small cup , and should not be given several cups in succession .
17 Totemism originated after this to cope with the guilt the brothers felt , for the totem animal will protect them like a father , and they will love it , and not kill it under normal circumstances .
18 Leaving their nest-holes they have some way to go before the sea can provide them with a refuge .
19 Her mother used to hang them from a hook in the kitchen ceiling in order to be able to work round them .
20 It 's good practice to use three balls in rotation in cold weather , one being in play on any one hole , and the two others remaining in your pocket where your body heat can keep them at a reasonable temperature .
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