Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [pron] in a " in BNC.

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1 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
2 Gyggle would store me in a spare room of the hospital and keep me under twenty-four-hour observation while I was unconscious .
3 Further and/or alternatively , the judge said that under the provisions of article 13 of the Convention he considered that there was a grave risk that the return of the child would place him in an intolerable situation , and said that on that ground also he would have declined to order the return of the child .
4 Although upon return to Canada for what might prove to be no more than a temporary visit the mother 's situation might be unsatisfactory and she might suffer discomfort or perhaps even hardship , there is no evidence that there is a risk , let alone a great one , that the child 's return would place him in a situation which is intolerable .
5 When Kirk Douglas became a target for a drunkard in a bar who 'd seen Douglas as the boxer in Champion , Kirk merely slammed his hand on the bar and shouted , ‘ Anyone in this bar can lick me in a fight , ’ and the drunkard backed off .
6 Further asset sales from breaking up ConsGold will put it in an even stronger position from which to launch further takeovers .
7 Examining these theories from pragmatics will involve us in a substantial digression from our main concern : which is to account for our intuitions of coherence and thus gain insight into the needs of the language learner , who after all aims to be able to produce coherent discourse , not isolated sentences .
8 She threatened journalists Ray Richmond and Matt Roush : ‘ My husband will meet you in an alley any time — and beat the hell outta you . ’
9 Alice may enter a looking-glass world where unexpected things happen , but she is still constituted like a human being : walking may take her in an unexpected direction , but the nature of the physical act of walking is taken for granted .
10 Alternatively , a person may place himself in a dangerous position which exposes him to the risk of involvement in the accident in which he is harmed .
11 But he could not move and , even if he had been able to , he knew that the Robemaker could fell him in a breath-space by sorcery .
12 Slightly perplexed , but fascinated , I invited him to elaborate and he outlined how , since arriving in London in 1961 at the age of 9 , he had been rocked by the awareness that his colour could place him in a position of possible — or probable — disadvantage .
13 I 'm sure all of those who attended this year 's rally will join me in a sincere vote of thanks to Mick and Julie Turrell .
14 Techniques for going up and down stairs , through doors and in narrow spaces should be properly demonstrated by a mobility expert so that pupils guiding a blind friend can do it in a safe , efficient way .
15 Even before I had learned to walk my eldest sister used to dump me in an orange box on the pavement next to Granpa 's pitch just to be sure I could start my apprenticeship early .
16 I 'm the type to stick at something even if it gets on top of me , whereas my sister would put her in a Home . ’
17 A woman who has given birth must immerse herself in a mikva before she can resume sexual relations with her husband .
18 Leila will put you in a light trance .
19 But whereas the mum-to-be would normally have found themselves admitted for a spell in hospital for monitoring , the centre can do it in a day .
20 A mule will carry you in an easy day 's ride from the rim to the very bottom of the Canyon .
21 A bride must immerse herself in a mikva before her wedding .
22 The busker who plays Chariots Of Fire on a Casio organ at Bank would leave it in a trice if only he could think of some other way of turning a penny .
23 Self-loathing would destroy her in a way his contempt never could .
24 Say no and that old sod Himmler will have you in a concentration camp . ’
25 No lie would aid him in a contest with a master of the craft , but the truth , his only hope of gaining the upper hand , had to remain hidden .
26 I still warm myself on memories of family parties where Uncle Brian would sing ‘ Unchained Melody ’ into a glass , Aunty Rosy would become more argumentative after her third sherry , Uncle Harold would lecture on the brilliance of Enoch Powell , and Dad would lead us in a community rendering of :
27 Early on Saturday morning Dad would take me in a tram down to Granton Square , and there Uncle Bill would be waiting .
28 Peter Brown , chairman of the Thomas Coram foundation , said : ‘ Unless the human imperative of individual dereliction is addressed alongside the more visual investment in environmental dereliction , and however well we spend it this means more money , the country will find itself in a downward spiral of inner-city social decay that could well substitute Drug Alley for the Gin Lane of Coram 's and Hogarth 's day . ’
29 And her mother used to take her in a governess cart ( 'sometimes drawn by a donkey' ) to the seaside , when they lived in Essex .
30 If the seismically peculiar D ’ layer at the base of the mantle is the source of plumes , as some geophysicists now suspect ( for example , ref. 10 ) , its volume is such that the present plume flux would exhaust it in a few hundred million years , implying that proto-plume material is quickly cycled through the layer .
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