Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] give to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the new work is given to you in a lecture , you can assume that you require two hours of study for each hour of lecture — for reading of the subject before the lecture , and as a first review ( " within the first 24 hours ) .
2 ODDLY enough , although he was for almost 50 years a pillar of the British dance band scene , by his own account Joe Crossman 's only popular acclaim was given to him in the United States for his beautiful alto saxophone solo on Stanley Black 's mid-Forties recording of Django Reinhardt 's ballad ‘ Nuages ’ .
3 Although Francis Berry 's involvement with the cellar came purely from his friendship with Lutyens , this must not be taken as favouritism Berry 's was one of the oldest wine merchants in the business ( the company started trading in 1699 ) , and their first royal warrant was given to them by Edward VII , an honour the firm holds to this day .
4 Your name was given to me by Liz Robertson , in connection with Bruce Harris 's visit , and as I have failed to contact you by ‘ phone I thought I would write .
5 Its name was given to it by Jesuit missionaries in South America who saw the flowers as a representation of the Crucifixion — the corona is the crown of thorns , the anthers the five wounds in the hands , feet and side of Christ , the three styles , the nails , the five petals and five sepals 10 of the disciples , less Peter and Judas , the hand-shaped leaves and tendrils the hands and whips of Christ 's torturers .
6 If the application is made on the grounds that debts have been paid or secured and it is known that there are creditors who have not proved their debts , the court may direct that notice be given to them of the application and order the trustee ( or official receiver ) to advertise the application and , in the meantime , adjourn the application for not less than thirty-five days ( r 6.209 ) .
7 Legend has it that the ‘ eyes ’ or ‘ spectacles ’ on the rear of the Cobra 's hood were given to it by Guatama the Buddha as protection against the attacks of Garuda the Eagle , arch enemy of the Cobras .
8 But in a reply to a letter from prospective Stockton South Labour MP John Scott , a senior ambulance officer says : ‘ The account was submitted not to the patient but to a relative whose name and address were given to us at the time of the booking .
9 The child 's subconscious reaction remains the same and , unless careful understanding is given to him at each stage of his growing up , he will spend the rest of his life in such a way that he reinforces that self-image which tells him that he is not worthy of receiving love .
10 The passive is one such option in English ( cf. John gave me this book and This book was given to me by John , which are both unmarked ) .
11 A Mary Queen of Scots coin was given to her by well-wisher Jessie Brown , 40 , of South Carntyne , Glasgow .
12 The watch was given to me as a surety by Meredith Putt , lord of Swinbrook Manor . ’
13 Lady Londonderry was greatly admired at the Russian Court and some of the Londonderry family jewels — the Down Diamonds and the parure and cross were given to her by the Russian Emperor Alexander I.
14 This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA .
15 claimed that his power was given to him by god , but everyone knew that the throne had been seized by his father .
16 " When your mother was given to me in marriage , my father and hers entered an agreement , Sara .
17 Remember , this task was given to us by you .
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