Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The war was all but over , although bitter fighting was to rumble on in the islands for many decades .
2 The only other alternative was to go back to the cottage , as well he 'd known .
3 Getting boot Rhuddlan Borough Council is to clamp down on the number of car boot sales being held regularly at various places , although occasional sales for charities may still be allowed .
4 But the siege was to drag on into the summer of 1098 before the fortress finally capitulated and Rodrigo was able to enter in triumph and order Mass to be sung in one of the main squares .
5 As a youngster in the 1950s my greatest delight was to run on to the pitch at Murrayfield after the full-time whistle , pat my heroes on the back and not wash my hands for a week , much to the disgust of my mother .
6 The plan was to go down to the south coast and camp .
7 Mr Delors should be told in no uncertain terms that his job is to stick up for the whole of the EC not just for France .
8 On environmental grounds , use of solvent-based product is falling and our job is to come up with the right alternative across a whole spectrum of end uses . ’
9 Not surprisingly , her main aim is to move back to the area where her family live — preferably to buy a house there .
10 British Coal insists that is main aim is to hold on to the three-year contracts with the two electricity generators , which will be renegotiated in March next year .
11 Nevertheless , Brent CABx now have nine representatives of black groups and organisations on their management committee whose aim is to pass on to the bureaux their knowledge of the needs of the communities that they represent .
12 His favourite custom is to loom out from the wayside and startle travellers .
13 Lisa 's instant reaction was to back out of the door again .
14 Charlie 's only reaction was to stare out of the window because he was n't quite sure what else to do .
15 His favourite relaxation was to toddle down to the quay and join the Royal Navy patrol boat for a day out .
16 His job was to go out into the bush to take samples and he found it the most unspoilt area on Earth he has ever been to , areas the size of Wales in which no white man has ever set foot .
17 Coleman 's job was to get out on the streets and talk to people , to come back with a feel for what the bombing had achieved .
18 Her first move was to go round to the various teachers who taught the senior class and borrow from them a number of text-books , books on algebra , geometry , French , English Literature and the like .
19 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
20 The government 's response to mounting criticism was to crack down on the principal advocates of reform .
21 The Fiction was his last attempt at personal writing in 1914 before he decided , by whatever hidden processes , that the best solution to his apparent obsession with introspection and self-analysis was to cross over into the world of poetry , with its quite different but equally stringent laws and regulations .
22 ‘ We could n't understand it because normally our drill is to go out of the back to the car park .
23 Therefore , if a moth hears a bat approaching about 100 feet away , its best policy is to fly off in the other direction .
24 Their policy is to get in among the big clubs on merit , thus forcing television 's hand .
25 But in respect of specific works , the listener 's role is to measure up to the demands imposed by the work itself , to comprehend what is already present .
26 In terms of short-term economic measures , the main thrust of government policy was to drain off from the economy excess money which was fuelling inflation , contributing to constant shortages and frustrating efforts at economic control .
27 The way in which that topic was to explode on to the stage in the twentieth century is anticipated in the frontal attack launched on Hegel 's system by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard .
28 Three weeks later , on the day I became Prime Minister , my first impulse was to sit down in the study which had been Harold 's and write him a letter of appreciation and grateful thanks .
29 His first priority was to climb on to the rim of the sink and peer through the upper left-hand corner of the kitchen window .
30 ‘ One piece of advice was to think back on the big innings I have played and think about the positive parts of those innings — picking out the pieces I really enjoyed .
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