Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [vb pp] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps not surprising that when older pupils come to sit their leaving examinations , they generally view the prospect of the examinations without much apprehension ; this may be because most decisions about their future are taken on the recommendation of their teachers rather than directly on the basis of examination results .
2 A weight is hung on the end of a wire of known diameter and its change in length measured .
3 They demanded that no action be taken on the SED-PDS proposal , involving creation of a new Office for the Protection of the Constitution , until after the general election .
4 A suitable break-point was taken on the death of Magnentius in 353 , and of the reports examined from 334 buildings , no less than 199 offered no satisfactory evidence and it could be argued that the remaining 135 hardly offer a sufficient quantity for any serious statistical study .
5 Ashby was keen because of the sparking relationship that existed between Nicholson and Michelle — but eventually the script was put on the back burner .
6 Action was taken on the poll tax .
7 So no action was taken on the ideas of the Layfield Committee .
8 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
9 That first presidential order to send American troops into possible combat was taken on the run , as Bush was preparing for his first superpower summit with Mikhail Gorbachev at Malta .
10 could be extremely severe , but some horseplay , and the occasional illicit disc was put on the record-player , much to Herr Hocher 's annoyance .
11 Thus evidence was taken on the need for the bill and why it was proposed to deal with problems in a particular way .
12 The foundations of modern archaeology were laid down in the 17th century , and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emphasis was put on the recording of archaeological monuments , initially as part of general topographical works , but eventually as part of a study of the monuments themselves .
13 Genes controlling coat pattern are carried on the X chromosome and if one X carries a gene that gives colour and the other X carries an inactive gene , the different patches of tissue containing the different inactivated X chromosomes show up as patches of different colours .
14 An appeal can be marked without significant cost being incurred at that stage and frequently appeals are marked as a holding operation while advice is taken on the prospects of the appeal succeeding .
15 I cut it out of Cosmopolitan magazine : an article entitled ‘ Think Yourself Thin ’ , illustrated by a blonde woman in a bikini being carried on the arms of two grinning , solid young men .
16 The House will wish to satisfy itself that any decision to enact the Bill is taken on the basis of a full consideration of that assessment of the Bill 's environmental effects .
17 Thompson , the Secretary of the Yorkshire North District , and Littlecott , Secretary of the Western District , wrote to Jacques urging that a firm stand be taken on the issue and no further concessions be made .
18 A more definitive response to him must await the time which will probably arrive when the clergy ordination measure is taken on the Floor of the House .
19 It may be easier to make long-term decisions about the best size and type of steel mill if a simultaneous decision is taken on the level of car production to which steel output forms an important input .
20 The Commission may extend the period of suspension until a final decision is taken on the merger 's compatibility with the Common Market .
21 The second reading of the Finance Bill follows and from 1969 the bill has then been divided , clauses and schedules which involve issues of principle being taken on the floor of the House while the more detailed clauses are sent upstairs to a standing committee .
22 The following survey was taken on the streets of Bradford .
23 An urgent decision was taken on the surface that the men would have to be brought out in groups of three .
24 He stresses that the decision was taken on the spur of the moment and that it seemed completely acceptable to everyone there at the time .
25 One is that the not guilty verdict was brought on the understanding that she sought medical help in a psychiatric hospital , and that poor Jane finished her days in Broadmoor .
26 Similarly if less time is taken on the entry turn ( eg sector 3 non-hold side ) decrease the outbound time .
27 Once a Bill has passed its Commons ' stage it goes up to the House of Lords where the same process is repeated , except that the Committee stage is taken on the floor of the House .
28 Boyd 's cross was taken on the volley by Ferguson as he deliberately launched himself backwards to make room for a full-blooded shot .
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