Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] to have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The research is expected to have major implications for application of Decision Analysis , a widely used management decision aid .
2 In this sense they also help to pin-point gaps in experience or competence , when a child is considered to have some areas of developmental concern …
3 The common law was perceived to have certain defects and there was pressure from the EEC to harmonise consumer safety law across the Community .
4 To assist with these tasks each policy and resources committee was recommended to have four sub-committees : finance , land , personnel , and performance review .
5 One specimen was found to have 5,000 times the expected concentration of plutonium in its flesh .
6 Eight of the sample are known to have married soldiers from overseas — almost all from Canada — and eventually emigrated .
7 The Greek Defence Ministry and their Secret Service are bound to have some cryptologists on their staffs .
8 A phantom is bound to have longer legs , a sexier smile and better bedroom manners than a real person .
9 ‘ As far as I can see , ’ he said , blinking magisterially , ‘ this decision by the European Court is going to have far-reaching consequences .
10 She was going to have her husband was in khaki as a territorial and her and her bridesmaid was going to have khaki frocks to be some of them great velvet frocks .
11 People with sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia are known to have red cells with defects in their outer membranes .
12 The car ( see Figure 2.20 ) as a single object is declared to have particular features or attributes ; these may be size , performance , carrying capacity , etc .
13 Iraq 's invasion in August of Kuwait , and the Saudi Arabian government 's subsequent decision to invite coalition forces to defend the kingdom was expected to have profound effects on internal political and economic affairs .
14 A man 's allowed to have second-rate dreams if he feels like it .
15 Bravo is planning to have 1,000 hotels on the system by 1 November , and 2,000 by March 1992 .
16 Raytheon is said to have first orders in hand .
17 The decision is expected to have widespread implications in connection with liquidators ' attempts to recover other bank debts with UK companies .
18 The animal was thought to have many tentacles and to spend most of its time sleeping .
19 This form of collaboration is said to have several advantages in that it offers greater control over research and development linkage by better managing the interface between public sector research and industry .
20 Nokia Oy 's Nokia Telecommunications has Nokia Oy , won an order for a trunked mobile radio system for the island of Java , Indonesia from PT Mobilkom Telekomindo : it is worth about $7m with an option for equipment worth another $7m ; the network is expected to have 40,000 subscribers in five years , and all the major islands of the archipelago will be included in later phases .
21 The Miniphone cellular network has gone into operation in Buenos Aires and some of its suburbs : the network is expected to have 10,000 users within a year , and is being run by Movistar — set up by Telecom Argentina SA , and controlled by STET SpA and France Telecom — and Telefonica Argentina ; initial investment in the project is $42m , but this is expected to rise to $100m over the next three years .
22 The plant is going to have pink flowers so I paint the foliage quite dark — I can always lighten it
23 The chamomile was found to have antiviral properties that aid recovery from the viral infections that are a common cause of the diarrhoea which , in turn , causes the dehydration .
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