Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 The courtyard is breathtakingly beautiful , although to have your breath taken away it is necessary to keep student hours , the entrance from the Via Francesco side being controlled at all times , while that on the Via Festa del Perdono side is open when the University is also open .
2 It seems relevant that anthropology be used at this time to contribute to the debate on policing , for since the 1964 Police Act and the preceding Royal Commission which was generated through concern over police practice , the organization has held an increasingly central place in the public imagination .
3 Here police monitoring of the large crowds was facilitated by ‘ sophisticated radio equipment supplied by the Army , hot lines to the White House and the Pentagon , and an 8 by 12-foot map of the city , complete with a zoom-lens television camera for closeups , that could show where every police officer and other security force was located at all times ’ ( Farber , 1988:159 ) .
4 Although other burials clustered around the enclosure , the internal area was respected , until the whole monument was dismantled at some time in the fourth century .
5 Intercourse is avoided at this time .
6 A great deal of work was done at that time in enlarging and landscaping the park , creating lakes and the kitchen gardens .
7 The flat area to the south was drained at some time in the eighteenth century and a canal was built across it .
8 The Market Hall was demolished at that time , exposing the flank wall of No. 114 , on which was sign-written the times of cars to Mitcham and Sutton .
9 A Special General Meeting called by the National Council was held at this time , a report of which is to be seen on page 13 .
10 In fact , the sound is heard at any time when two cats are fighting and may have nothing whatever to do with sexual encounters .
11 ( a ) Examples of additional enquiries ( 1 ) Is the seller aware of any development or proposals for the development or use of property in the neighbourhood which might adversely affect the property or the amenities of persons living in it ? ( 2 ) Has the property to the seller 's knowledge been affected at any time by structural , building or drainage defects , flooding , dry rot , timber infestation or rising damp ? ( 3 ) Please confirm that any damage caused to decorations by the removal of fixtures and fittings will be made good by the seller before completion .
12 Parler brought with him the influence of the Cologne school and , though only the choir and chapels with part of the south façade were completed at this time , it is interesting to compare , both on exterior and interior , the work of Matthias on the lower part and Parler on the upper ( 532 and 533 ) .
13 On relating the story to Mr Bailey , the man asked whether a train service was running at that time of night .
14 These formed far and away the largest group in the population of Europe , and it is the evidence that their numbers were expanding rapidly which offers the most substantial proof that the population of western Christendom as a whole was rising at this time .
15 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
16 In fact , however , new disappointments followed on Hitler 's confident promises : the bombing , almost unimpeded by German defences , intensified ; the situation on the eastern Front worsened almost by the day ; and in the west an invasion was expected at any time .
17 Also , because teeth are on display , treatment usually contains an element of risk and — especially where a dog is aggressive towards its owners or third parties — it must be individually tailored to the family , taking careful account of how the dog is behaving at all times .
18 The rejection of the newly mobile toddler may be accentuated if another baby is born at this time .
19 Rostov 's authority was limited at all times by the secrecy requirements which surrounded every incomplete survey , and he had already concluded that his presence on the mission was actually of questionable value .
20 No one knew where he 'd gone ; everyone was worried sick ; and by the look of her , Shirley Brown was worried the sickest : what could a man be doing at this time of night , for heaven 's sake ?
21 This strategy of inculcation and for more explicit interventions into the flow of subjective responses , experiences , and pleasures , had a great deal in common with the programme for a renewed Liberalism being developed at this time by L. T. Hobhouse :
22 It is almost certain that Leonard 's interest in Zen Buddhism was sown at this time , and his ‘ anti-intellectualism ’ confirmed .
23 In 1985 , for example , of total federal revenue of 686 billion dinars , 110 billion dinars was derived from customs duties , 264 billion dinars from basic sales tax ( of which the federal government was entitled at that time to one-half ) , and 251 billion dinars from transfers from the republics and provinces .
24 The manager had explained to him when he was taken on that the insurance people insisted the wharf was guarded at all times before they would agree to give cover .
25 It was considered that rough copper was costing at that time £3 : 15s : 0d to produce but would sell for only £2 : 16s : 0d at the most .
26 Better management is likely to result from a period of careful observation and assessment , with considerable support being provided at this time through frequent contact with nursing and other ward staff .
27 Part-time employment is assumed at all times to involve a 10 per cent pay penalty reflecting the ‘ crummy job effect ’ on the pay of those with current domestic constraints .
28 On the other hand , where severance of the subject matter is envisaged under the contract and property is to pass at this time , it is possible to argue that this is only a sale of goods ( see Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 ) .
29 John of Marmoutier 's life of Geoffrey le Bel offers a glimpse of how strong bonds were created between the prince and his followers within the household , and how a high level of training was maintained at all times .
30 On the contrary , standards require that the information system is consulted at all times , not only because it is impossible to memorise everything but also because it is likely that facts have changed since they were last consulted .
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