Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] does [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A matching spinning frame will also be kept , making an independent unit for research that does not affect routine production .
2 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
3 If one finds , as one sometimes does , that an Act contains a provision that does not make sense , it is only too easy to assume that it is the draftsman who has made an error .
4 If ‘ life ’ is defined broadly ; perhaps , as we suggested earlier , as any kind of chemical system that can evolve adaptively , then it is possible to envisage life of a kind that does not involve water .
5 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
6 Because the machine is produced and factory aligned as a double bed with the needles sitting in individual channels and because of the addition of the pushing down wheels , the tuck knitting is more easily made , with its stitch formation more accurate , without the lateral distortion than can occur within the stitches made on a machine that does not have needle channels .
7 As the philosopher Gillian Rose has pointed out , " recognising our transformative or productive activity has a special claim as a mode of acknowledging actuality which transcends the dichotomies between theoretical and practical reason … transformative activity acknowledges actuality in the act and does not oppose act to non-act " .
8 Marriage is a rite of passage and does actually give credence to loving and being loved by someone exclusively . ’
9 Their hearers completely fail to comprehend because the message is couched in unfamiliar vocabulary and does not make contact with any of their felt needs .
10 Second , there are situations in which the regulatory rule sets a less onerous standard than the general law but does not prohibit compliance with the higher standard , raising the question of whether the rule offers a " safe harbour " for those who comply with it .
11 Note that a person is guilty under s.15 if he obtains ownership but does not obtain possession or control ; and if the accused is in possession or control , he is guilty if he obtains ownership by deception .
12 It offers training and after-sales help but does not charge royalty or franchising fees .
13 Girobank 's post-tax profit — calculated on a basis that does not take inflation into account — was £9million , unchanged on the first half of 1988 .
14 It 's all speculation at present , however Britain is only one of two countries in the European Community that does n't levy VAT on newspapers and the subject has been on the agenda for some time .
15 Most of this legislation is of a ‘ regulatory ’ nature and does not give rise to liability in damages .
16 This correlation , however , can be explained simply by the presence of absence of H pylori in their patient group and does not provide evidence of a causal association between H pylori ammonia production and gastritis .
17 ‘ There is nothing wrong in them having a working relationship that does not involve closeness of any other kind .
18 If you are in your late teens or are doing a further education course and you are extremely worried about examinations , you are going to have to find a way to tackle academic stress that does not involve eating and drinking too much .
19 The modular system is less likely to encourage the development of cumulative subject knowledge and does not involve assessment through summatative exams .
20 Will he please come to the rescue of Wolverhampton parents and , if need be , intervene to ensure that Wolverhampton council manages education and does not waste money ?
21 They have the same ideal character as does any abstract model of reality and its canonical exemplification , and their relationship with actual states of affairs is a matter of continual interpretation and reappraisal .
22 And how can the irrationality of subjectivity , and its complex relationship to discourses of gender and other social relations , be addressed by a feminist psychological theory that does not question psychology 's conventional , unitary , purely psychological concept of its subject ?
23 And of course if you strip everything that 's profitable out of it , like the erm er the railway air services went , erm the er the er erm hotels , ferries , everything else you can think of , you 're left with er with a runt that does n't make money , and not surprisingly the government then closes it down .
24 SSP is a flat rate and does not take account of any dependants .
25 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
26 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
27 She also has a grandeur of style that does not preclude tenderness and anxiety as emotions within its expressive range .
28 In the UK this is fine , but if anyone from outside the UK is reading this , be careful you get the spirit that does not contain water .
29 Previous studies with tyr T DNA and cobalt-bleomycin , which binds to DNA but does not cause strand cleavage , showed that the antibiotic produces footprints which are centred around its cleavage sites [ 10 ] .
30 ‘ People just do n't want to be part of a world that does n't have comparison , or spontaneity , where playfulness is just limited to football and sex !
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