Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] there have be [det] " in BNC.

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1 However , in recent years a blitz on such companies has been mounted with the result that there has been some improvement .
2 Tutorial Classes continued to be seen as the most important element in the WEA 's programme and there had been some increase in their provision in recent years .
3 Without warning the air was split by a high pitched banshee wail , rising and falling on a sliding scale of pain that would have made the slates fall off the roof if there had been any .
4 The last faint hope that there had been some mistake died .
5 Three-quarters felt that there had been little feedback following its presentation .
6 It was the first time in the campaign that there had been any rapport between the embattled figures on the platform and the assembled press and television correspondents .
7 … the Act has facilitated progress and there has been some encouragement of home teaching programmes through educational support grants .
8 He was the product of an actual family experience ; his father had fought for the South in the Civil War and there had been some decline from gentility , but he was as much a product of family myth .
9 There was an emphasis on the generation of female employment as well as on the general need for diversification but there had been little development by the outbreak of war .
10 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
11 At least for the period 1980 to 1984 , WIRS fails to offer substantiating evidence that there has been any growth in the use of this form of temporary worker .
12 The spot was clearly a favourite one with the crew and there had been several men dozing there when Owen and Mahmoud had appeared .
13 Captain Pugwash is probably his best-known character but there have been many others : Harris Tweed , Lettice Leefe , Mary , Mungo and Midge , Sir Prancelot , and Cardinal Grotti in the Catholic Herald .
14 Apparently there must have been very heavy rain higher up the dale because there had been some flooding and the river was running very fast .
15 It is from this stance that there has been much recent emphasis on subject depth in the training of teachers , and a virtual embargo on teaching for those with degrees in subjects ‘ not on the school timetable ’ .
16 At 3:1 United were cruising again and the Manor Ground fans must have been thinking what could have been this season if there had been more games like this .
17 This time it was just a computer error they thought — apparently a fairly common occurrence when there 's been some form of disruption to a claim .
18 The office is one workplace where there have been few major changes — the ball-point pen and the photocopier hardly qualify as major — in half a century , since telephones took over .
19 There would appear to be some untold facts about Blea Moor Tunnel as there has been much speculation but very little facts of details .
20 As examples of the achievements of these minds , I think of the Gandavyuha and the Sufis ' planes of reality but there have been many others whose level of vision is as extensive though in no sense more penetrating or more brilliant .
21 All the staff , including senior management are new to the Burger King system so there have been several teething problems .
22 So did the England B team here last year and there have been some rakings on this tour .
23 Cyclists and horse riders are keen to progress with the scheme but there has been some opposition from one particular village .
24 Restraining the wish to thank His Royal Highness for his co-operation , Rose asked the detective whether there had been any incidents at the dining table involving exchange of plates .
25 In Britain these are in a state of flux although there has been much discussion about the role of the inspector over a long period of time .
26 Despite the fact that there have been many reports describing the central effects of neuropeptides on gastric and pancreatic secretion , there has been only one previous report of the effects of a centrally acting peptide on biliary secretion .
27 The line operates every Tuesday and gets dozens of calls , because , despite the fact that there have been fewer home repossessions over the last few months , the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux say that more people are getting themselves into debt .
28 Further , the fact that there has been such a steep rise in the number of divorces , combined with a fairly high rate of remarriage , means that a rising proportion of all marriages are of people marrying for at least the second time .
29 The A423 is one of the busiest roads in the region and there 've been many accidents .
30 This is only a temporary solution and there have been many attempts to organise more humane working systems .
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