Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] on the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is irrelevant that , so far as the employees are concerned , they are working in the same premises with the same equipment and on the same job as before the sale and perhaps have not even been informed that a sale has taken place ( Woodhouse v Peter Brotherhood Ltd [ 1972 ] 2 QB 520 ; Woodcock v Committee for the Time Being of the Friends School Wigton and Genwise Ltd [ 1987 ] IRLR 98 , CA ) .
2 If so , the Directive will normally operate so as to transfer the employees employed by the former controller in the discharge of the function to the new controller and on the same terms and conditions of employment .
3 ‘ Stop line ’ is defined as the white line indicating the approach to the crossing which is parallel to the limits of the crossing and on the same side of the crossing as the driver .
4 De Gaulle , at Brazzaville in 1944 , may have believed that France , of all the imperial powers , would choose nobly and liberally in a new era ; on a more mundane level and on the same occasion it was also agreed that ‘ access to the riches of all that bears the French name is the most certain measure of our country 's return to grandeur ’ .
5 Not all employers have equal access to occupational pensions , and manual workers are less likely to receive one on retirement or on the same level as non-manual and professional employees .
6 ‘ There is considerable danger here of drawing the conclusion that because the two sets of bones were found in conjunction and on the same date , they must have met their deaths at the same time .
7 Its supporters regarded it as a happy augury that on the same day the Soviet Union finally called off its blockade of Berlin .
8 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
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