Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [is] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Over at Pratt 's , the St James ' club where it is said that Tory leaders were made and unmade in the old days , you would never have guessed there was an election on .
2 Detention of a whole class may technically still be lawful , although it is becoming increasingly likely that a judge would have doubts about the reasonableness of this course of action where it is known that there may only be one or two culprits .
3 The expressions simplify a good deal once it is noted that the most significant contributions come from terms containing which are important when the probe passes across the region where .
4 Much has been written on the topic of occupational health and hygiene and it is recognised that the provision of an adequate and tolerable physical working environment and the promotion of a general feeling of well being among the workforce , is not only important in preventing occupational disease , but in the prevention of accidents .
5 Like the established economic torts , this is a tort of intention and it is thought that the conduct of the defendant must have the plaintiff as its target though it need not be the predominant purpose in the sense that the defendant needs to be activated by malevolence : the pursuit of self-interest by unlawful means is actionable .
6 Operating from batteries alone , the vehicle is of course a zero emission car and it is expected that the majority of commuting will be in this mode .
7 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
8 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
9 Former Irish international Dr Geraldine Barniville from Dublin has been nominated as the new president but it is understood that Ulster 's Billy Bell and Paddy McAuley the outgoing treasurer and secretary will not be standing for election. , It is widely acknowledged that Paddy McIlroy , past president of Ulster , and the outgoing Irish vice-president , made a major contribution in drafting the new constitution and by-laws .
10 This is a reasonable result when it is recalled that the metric components correspond to the classical gravitational potential ( Section 4.3 ) .
11 This is a particularly important point to bear in mind when it is realized that many technological developments operate at the edges of life , whether they be ventilators or incubators .
12 There are obvious attractions in affording the Registrar an additional weapon in the form of a penalty recoverable by civil suit to which there is no defence once it is shown that accounts have not been delivered on time .
13 Gran Canaria , the third largest of the Canary Islands , is an island of contrasting scenery , with a superb climate all year round , particularly in the south where it is said that the temperature never varies by more than five degrees .
14 One of Kelsen 's most puzzling doctrines , namely the alternative character of the norm , is vindicated by the criminal law once it is appreciated that every criminal law allows of cases of just excuse .
15 Charles II took a personal interest it , matters relating to mining and it is reported that he united the old Mines Royal and the Soc. of Mineral & Battery Works which had for so long run as separate enterprises .
16 Procedure c ) will require about one hour for each unit of work and it is anticipated that up to three units will be requested at a time .
17 They modernised the mill and it is believed that it became the first in Britain to make paper from wood , ie : the first Natron-cellulose pulp mill in Europe .
18 For this reason , amongst others , Reid 's recent suggestion that perhaps parents in Britain should , like those in France , lose some child benefit if it is proved that their children are truanting — ‘ Fines imposed on parents should be collected directly from child benefit ’ — deserves rejection .
19 This can be seen to be in accordance with the Yerkes-Dodson law if it is assumed that more difficult tasks are those which require greater attentional capacity ( c.f. Kahneman , 1973 ) .
20 A meeting has been arranged in the Village Hall and it is anticipated that the scheme will be in operation in the late summer .
21 The first fifty or so milliseconds of these waves are the most consistent for any particular stimulus and it is thought that they are almost entirely generated by the incoming stimulus , irrespective of any mental activity on the part of the subject .
22 Counsel advice has been taken on this issue and it is concluded that debt restructuring is permitted by virtue of paragraph 1(1) ( c ) of Schedule 3 to the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1975 .
23 It was threatening to resume bombing on the mainland and it is suspected that the closures were linked with indirect negotiations to induce them to change their intention .
24 The NUS and several other student unions have also taken up the campaign and it is hoped that the campaign will extend beyond the student movement to trade unions and women 's groups .
25 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
26 Energy is then put into the system by the process of succussion and it is visualized that this energy input helps to stabilize the shape-specific water polymers so formed .
27 Should any question arise , however , the Registrar has a discretion ( under Land Registration Rules 1925 , r290(1) ) to allow inspection of the filed transfer and it is understood that such discretion would be exercised if any difficulty could be resolved by production of the filed transfer .
28 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
29 Usually , these will commence from the possession date , but this is not always the case and it is suggested that , unless the agreed form of lease makes it clear , liability with regard to service charges and insurance should be dealt with in this clause .
30 This may initially be viewed with some horror until it is realized that the form of representation inserted into the geometric domain may take on any form appropriate to the solution of the problem .
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