Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [be] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That seemed pretty profound , till I found another cinema where it was all violence , sex-and-violence , and violence .
2 ‘ He must tell the judiciary that it was this accountant Morris who abused the trust the firm showed in him . ’
3 At first she had thought with a shock of fear that it was old age , that old age was like silicon , water-soluble , it flowed into you and as you dried out , it hardened , recasting you in blurred shapes and muted tones .
4 If they had realised when they answered the advertisement in the Evening Citizen that it was bare metal , they would have gone elsewhere .
5 The Labour benches had several new members and , dare I suggest , green Councillor , with no memory of the disastrous economic policies of the last Labour Government , or the ensuing distress that it 's huge army of unemployed .
6 ‘ But they were a small club and it was hard work .
7 Well all right then it 's er a red Escort Laser with blue graphics and it 's bright rosso red in colour and it 's C and there 's some slight rust on the driver 's from wing and there 's red paint on the exhaust and it 's grey inside .
8 Four years later , however , a science programme on Australian radio accused McBride of scientific fraud and it was this accusation that eventually led local health authorities in New South Wales to begin the medical tribunal proceedings .
9 Whilst a patent will be refused for a computer program simpliciter ( or any of the other exceptions in section 1(2) for that matter ) it will be allowed if the purpose of the program is to bring about some practical effect and it is that effect which is the subject matter of the patent application .
10 He was taking an unholy delight in her discomfiture and it was high time that he was taken down a peg .
11 We have already seen how naturally the need to fit a certain number of half wavelengths into an interval leads to discreteness and it is some way of introducing a radical discreteness into mechanics which we are looking for .
12 Most visitors to this region concentrate on the coast but it is worthwhile heading inland where a large network of lanes provides some quiet cycling .
13 Peel was undoubtedly their biggest fan but it was another Radio One DJ , Andy Kershaw , who gave them their first session as 1985 drew to a close .
14 Foul weather with squally winds put paid to an immediate start on the building so it was several months before the engine strip-down could begin under the new roof .
15 But the scorecards overwhelmingly supported my assessment that it was one-sided tedium .
16 Going on down er , the profit and loss account , the tax charge er , is lower as a percentage than it was this time last year .
17 Three other LEDs are used to set up the operating status , arranged in a horizontal ‘ traffic light ’ formation : red indicates that the input signal is below the Threshold level , yellow that it has reached Threshold , and the green that it is above Threshold .
18 The first contends that the word ‘ appropriate ’ has built into it a connotation that it is some action inconsistent with the owner 's rights , something hostile to the interests of the owner or contrary to his wishes and intention or without his authority .
19 That 's a bigger vehicle and it 's full-o' benches and suchlike , ’ he said , a note of desperation beginning to creep into his voice .
20 With it 's regency architecture and it 's floral splendor cheltenham has all the looks of an affluent town : but the signs in the prestigious Imperial square tell a different tale .
21 With it 's regency architecture and it 's floral splendor cheltenham has all the looks of an affluent town : but the signs in the prestigious Imperial square tell a different tale .
22 Convention , technique , and an empathy with the popular mind all went into the perfecting of the Chaplin act and it was these things that enabled him to become Sennett 's most accomplished pupil and which allowed him to create the cinema 's most appealing and most universal symbol .
23 In a room full of fluffy toys , she opens her scrapbook and it is pre-war Paris where she danced the can-can and was photographed in cafes with sleepy-eyed men and cigarette smoke .
24 There are many other DOS commands that you may eventually use ( some are shown listed below ) , but most of these should really not concern you until you have become more familiar with your new machine and it 's basic abilities .
25 Clearly many staff had found the self-appraisal to be a valuable exercise and it was such staff , it seems , that were most positive about the process as a whole and who were most willing to take seriously the advisers ' recommendations .
26 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
27 ‘ Singing Kettle ’ has a natural authenticity and it 's wonderful fun ’ .
28 There it has barbed wire around it it 's made of wood and it 's long Rita .
29 ‘ Interest ’ , complained a reforming chaplain , was the only stimulant in the new philosophy and it was this philosophy that inspired nineteenth-century liberalism .
30 It was only a split second but it was all Donna needed .
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