Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] had [adv] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 To obtain a correct view of the ulcer and stigmata of recent bleeding , the lesions were gently washed to remove blood that had not adhered to the lesions .
2 They sat at a corner table , a slab of mahogany on an iron base that had once belonged to a Singer sewing machine .
3 But Mark had now become absorbed in an idea for a sermon that had suddenly come to him .
4 Apart from these two central institutions of the court , the Chamber and the Household-below-Stairs , there were several offices , known later as ‘ the standing offices ’ , which had once been a part of the royal Household and had now moved to its fringes .
5 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
6 Off we went the next day and had nearly got to the shop when Dad spotted a relief officer .
7 They had remained wrapped in their own separate thoughts ever since leaving the hunting camp earlier in the day and had barely spoken to one another .
8 Then she had started on a career that had always appealed to her : in the world of antiques .
9 The only clue so far discovered of any value to a possible dating of his return is the fact that , according to Bursali Mehmed Tahir , there exists a copy of one of his most famous works , the written in his own hand , presented to Mehmed II , and dated 878/1473–4 it would not thus be unreasonable to suppose that Molla Husrev wrote the copy especially for Mehmed II , this in turn suggesting that by 878 Molla Husrev had made up his quarrel with the sultan and had perhaps returned to Istanbul .
10 She was a plump young nome who wore trousers and was good at engineering and had actually volunteered to be a guard instead of staying at home learning how to cook ; things were really changing in the quarry .
11 We work more or less in the same area but had n't talked to one another for a long time .
12 Morton was on the point of killing the Dragoon when the soldier begged for quarter , adding that he had been forced into the army and had not wanted to be a soldier .
13 ‘ That is an aspect that had not occurred to me , ’ Briant said , and the angry color that had blotched his narrow cheeks receded .
14 The little horse was the most extraordinary thing that had ever happened to him in all his life , appearing like that in the torchlight and looking at him even before it was wholly born , as if to say , ‘ Hi , mate . ’
15 This was the strangest thing that had ever happened to her ; he had hurt her at the beginning , but now that was gone .
16 Best thing that had ever happened to him , Penny .
17 A distinguished backing band , including Dave Edmunds and Presley 's one-time guitarist , James Burton , knocked out a few appropriate standards while a video crew wandered about on the stage shining lights at an audience that had not paid to be treated as studio extras .
18 Thus emboldened , Sotheby 's issued their 1 April catalogue to a chorus of disapproval , the most jolting being a letter from Toronto doctor Morton Shulman , who was something of an authority on Schlossmuseum Gotha , having acquired a seventeenth-century clock that had once belonged to the museum .
19 Martha replied , and left her twin sister blinking in astonishment at a possibility that had n't occurred to her before , but which was now enticingly attractive .
20 the unzipped valise that had once belonged to her sister Christine .
21 Swallowing hard the consultant patiently suggested that he contact hotel reception for help ; an idea that had n't occurred to the businessman .
22 But obviously it was an idea that had never occurred to him before , and his mind would take a little while to accommodate it .
23 The second one — well , I almost hoped it would be a little shocked , as they often are , because of the idea that had suddenly come to me . ’
24 Drunk one day , driving her on his Harley , he slammed into a house that had once belonged to Jack London .
25 Her purchase by the B. J. Norsk Forsking of Larvik for seismographical work in the Bellingshausen Sea almost due south of the Horn was , as Ward put it , ‘ just about the very first good thin' that had ever happened to her , ’ even if it was a slightly clandestine operation .
26 The Roman politicians of the post-Gracchan period Posidonius admired were those who had shown moderation and had not yielded to the rapacity of the equestrian class , men like Rutilius Rufus or Lucius Sempronius Asellio , a benefactor of Sicily ( Diod. 37.5 ; 8 ) .
27 The Left , like most people in Britain , had been brought up to regard Britain as a world power and had not adjusted to Britain 's real weakness .
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