Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] be [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 General Francis had risen from his chair by the examination couch and was supporting himself with his sticks .
2 Those first six dancers had come to celebrate the newly awakened school of English classical dance that was establishing itself with the coming of peace .
3 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
4 Bigwig had raised his head and was supporting himself on his fore-paws alone .
5 He 'd put some more money in the meter and was warming himself by the newly-lit fire .
6 I do not know whether that means that he has changed his policy or is distancing himself from the official line of the Labour party on unemployment issues .
7 Such self-disgust appeared to have physical causes or manifestations : a pattern that was to repeat itself at irregular intervals for the next twenty years .
8 The fourth man had abandoned their horses to his wounded companion and was launching himself into the fray .
9 Quick replies by Kelly Shelford and Mark Elia led to the suspicion that New Zealand could score at will and were easing themselves into their stride , but doubts arose early in the second half with a succession of missed chances .
10 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
11 He raised his wings and pulled them back a little , bent his head forward , slightly opened his beak , and lunged forward and down at the white flesh of the hand that was pushing itself with a piece of sandwich through the front bars of his cage .
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