Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] i went [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had told neighbours : ‘ We were all watching television in a back bedroom when I went to the toilet .
2 She said : ‘ I brushed past a girl as I went to the toilet and she yelled I 'd done it deliberately .
3 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
4 I was lucky because we heard that the Government was encouraging women 's employment , so my husband and I went to the Prime Minister 's residence with an application .
5 ‘ Once the Verey pistol ‘ ad been fired Lieutenant Makepeace led the charge and I went over the top after ‘ im followed by the rest of my section .
6 The robot and I went into the computer room but Hee-Haw stayed outside .
7 I decided to go for the pills first , but after three months I was still in agony so I went for the laser operation .
8 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
9 Erm but er when the war finished , when the war finished and the Home Guard stood down , I ca n't remember who was the mayor of Walsall at the time , but they had a reception in the town hall for the Home Guard and everyone that was in the Home Guard was invited before we hand before we st handed our uniforms in , was invited to attend and I must say with great pride that I was can still remember it now , that the wife and I went to the reception and I was in the uniform and it 'd be the mace bearer I presume that was at the door and he asked your name and er rank and he shouted out your name and rank when you went in and you was greeted by the mayor and mayoress inside the ves the hall of the town hall , and erm I mean er quite proud to be Corporal and Mrs you know and it I mean everyone that went , I mean their rank and name and who was with them , you know , was it was quite quite a er er quite a something of to look back to of interest that was , you know , when we stood down .
10 you see and I 'm glad I did n't miss it , I 'm glad I went through all what I did and , and this particular raid , you see , the siren went and they said a telegraph office read , you see , an and then I thought I 'll go to the back door and I went to the , well it was actually on the front of the station and I went to the front of the station and there was this plane swooping down like that and of course , you see , the bombs did n't fall down straight like that but they went as the plane went and they knocked down a row of houses at the end of the road .
11 Well it , it was n't funny that day before I went to the that ear
12 Dorrie had helped me finally dress and my father and I went to the Church .
13 Chris took the chair and I went through the list of things that needed to be done to get us off the ground : a bank account , an address and telephone number somewhere , an eye-catching logo .
14 Fortunately an assistant stopped mew before I went through the roof .
15 I began to despair in the local press I noticed an advert for an evening class , cookery for men being the young one in the family I plucked up courage and enrolled but it was great , with great apprehension that I went to the first class .
16 you see and I 'm glad I did n't miss it , I 'm glad I went through all what I did and , and this particular raid , you see , the siren went and they said a telegraph office read , you see , an and then I thought I 'll go to the back door and I went to the , well it was actually on the front of the station and I went to the front of the station and there was this plane swooping down like that and of course , you see , the bombs did n't fall down straight like that but they went as the plane went and they knocked down a row of houses at the end of the road .
17 He went to church and I went to the Chapel , you see .
18 I 'm not used to scotch and I went into the gents down by the station to be sick . ’
19 And er , I first started feeling I was overweight when I fourteen and I was , I was twelve stone and I went to the doctor and got black capsules to take which had me as high as a kite for a long time !
20 I needed to earn a bit of extra money when I went on the tour and so I became a professional wrestler in my spare time .
21 And one day I dro I dropped it down the the drain as I went into the shop .
22 I was a witness and so on you see and down below and the sergeant said to me , the sergeant came up and said to me , you 'll have to be careful because he said that boy , he was sitting there with his mother , poor woman , all in black and er the em the boy 's employer had got a solicitor on his behalf , you see , and I said well I can only speak through and say what happened , that 's all I can do and er , so of course when I went into the witness box this man came and er asked me all sorts of questions .
23 Well of course when I went to the Isle of Man , see , I went on the boat and er , you see , and er it only cost me ninepence for a , a landing er for the landing stage .
24 I said so I 've been to a local firm and he said well if you 'd wanted a job we could 've found you one , so I went to the Co-op and I went in the credit , working in the Co-op credit and er went from there to .
25 That 's right , , it 's a , it 's a , so my mother and I said we 're going back to that hotel , you know , were very , very kind of luxury type , so we went back to the hotel and my brother and I went into the room where we had a television view on the sea , very beautiful .
26 Yes dear I went to erm , er the er holiday camp in October to erm , er with the Red Cross and I went with the , Charlie took me and I went in a car with a friend of mine we went to the Red Cross holiday in Patefield , but it poured of rain every day every day it poured of rain did n't October it was terrible , ever so cold , but we were well looked after you know and I enjoyed it and we had the wheelchairs to go around in on for the dancing , it was really great I thoroughly enjoyed it , I have n't been for two years I had n't , but I went like in October , cos you 're only allowed really every two years to go , that 's all you 're allowed really , but I thoroughly enjoyed it you know , it was nice
27 I did n't advertise for a partner but I went to the single 's and divorcee club and met my second husband and its magic the second time around .
28 ‘ So boo to you , ’ I said to the murderer as I went through the gate — and noticed for the first time that there were no bushes there , just a little hedge of lavender .
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