Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] a few [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had one redeeming feature — his very good nature , except when he was in the boxing ring or after a few whiskies , when everyone gave him a wide berth .
2 Again , it was the darkest ones that survived best , with the result that in a few generations the peppered moths living near the big industrial cities were nearly all black .
3 I know we 've argued all these years and I 've been irritable , if not downright rude , but … but … ’ and Creggan was astonished to see that this fiercest of eagles was suddenly close to a profound grief and for a few moments quite unable to say anything more .
4 Her fingers stroked my balls and her lips slid on my penis and in a few minutes , free to call her what I wished , I pulled her down and mounted her .
5 I returned to the tractor-path and in a few moments saw Holford House standing before me on a rise .
6 It was sad to think that they had waited so long in England for this invasion of their homeland and after a few hours ashore so many of them had been killed or wounded , the dead now lying in a temporary grave in the corner of a Normandy orchard .
7 It was followed by a silence so fraught with regret on Luce 's part that after a few seconds she had to admit the truth .
8 On the other hand , Heron ( 1794 ) says that Lewis was destitute of wood except for a few birches and hazels ’ .
9 A letter from G. Espin to Councillor Fraser re the waste of public money in erecting a new wire fence on the footpath between Baberton Mains Estate and Juniper Green and in a few days ripping it out and replacing it with a chestnut type wooden fence .
10 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
11 Eventually James Wyllie married Mrs. Kay 's sister and after a few years the Wyllie family took over the firm , retaining the name , Andrew Kay & Company .
12 As it turned out , I was a dreadful croupier and after a few weeks they put me on coats and hats .
13 The remaining cousins signed their copies of the memorandum , either on the day of the funeral or within a few days afterwards .
14 League is concerned , is the amount of money coming into the game and the danger that over a few years it could widen the division between the haves and the have-nots .
15 Put a piece of raw meat into a stream and within a few hours it will be covered with small , flat , black worms feeding on it .
16 A petite , pleasant-faced doxy , however , caught my eye and for a few hours I became old Shallot again , whiling away the time , telling the most outrageous stories and making her laugh both in the taproom and on her feather-filled mattress in the chamber above .
17 The road to Rimini by-passed the town and in a few moments they were out in the wilds again , labouring up a steep , tortuous medieval track on which modern civilization had done no more than slap a layer of asphalt and a road number .
18 The tub is kept in a warm place and within a few days is crawling with worms .
19 Thus , when he suffers what in the past he would have regarded as a disaster , he can move now into the transcendent and in a few moments compose himself .
20 Sylvia comes from nine to five each weekday , and nurses are on duty between six and 10 every evening and for a few hours at the weekend .
21 This was the rime when everyone had a siesta and for a few hours the village was virtually dead .
22 He had given her a sob-story and for a few hours — a few fatal hours — she had mistaken compassion for love .
23 There were but six people on board , all of whom were killed and although the event was duly reported in the press and other media as one might expect , the world proceeded with its normal business and within a few days the matter had receded into the background .
24 But even allowing for those one strong young man could have come up the stairs to Wolski 's room and in a few minutes and one journey have stripped that soulless place of all evidence that for almost three decades , since 1946 , Wolski had lived there .
25 The LP is produced by Jessica Corcoran in tandem with the band and coincides with the tail end of their current tour , a sell-out but for a few tickets for their London show at The Kilburn National on April 4 .
26 The happy landowner can then stand at the window smoking a pipe and wave cheerily at the unwelcome hill-walkers , secure in the knowledge that in a few minutes they will be heading back to the car , steam gently rising from them as they blink in distress from behind grisly face-masks of dung .
27 ‘ Frankie would buy a wonderful new suit and within a few minutes he 'd look as though he 'd slept in it .
28 Nor did Egypt , which is after all a long way to the east of Cyrene ( Athens being nearer to Cyrene than is the Nile ) make much impact except in a few points of ritual .
29 She lay back with a little thud and for a few minutes they were both silent .
30 You 'll read that sort of round and round a few times before you get it straight in your head what 's
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