Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We can take the last equation and use it to calculate the classical force per unit mass due to the cosmological constant .
2 Encore Computer Corp , Fort Lauderdale , Florida has persuaded the Gould Inc subsidiary of Nikko Kyodo Co Inc — which wanted to be shot of Encore altogether when it bought Gould , but has had to keep the company in the fold and bankroll it to have a chance of realising any value from it — to increase its revolving credit facility by $20m ; the pact also extends the maturity dates of Encore 's $50m term loan agreement to April 2 1995 , and the $35m increased revolving credit pact to July 3 1994 .
3 On page 47 of ‘ Yoga Today ’ ( Vol. 12 No. 4 , August 1987 ) an advert for Pranayama Yoga , The Art of Relaxation , stated ‘ it will induce the mind to calmness , eliminating tension and help one to face the demands of each day without fatigue of mind or body . ’
4 Do not give your camera to a passing stranger and ask him to take a picture of you , so many times it has happened that the stranger has then run off with it .
5 They choose the following extract and ask you to submit a target version of it , stating that they appreciate that you may not have had time to read the whole novel but that they just want to see how you might handle Le Carré 's language .
6 ‘ It was the time they started sending memos out to referees , and I said straight why did n't they just get on with administration and leave us to do the bloody job on the field .
7 Right we 're going to give you a tray and ask you to sort the finds out .
8 EDF has done everything it can to make all of the French understand how much is at stake and enable them to compare the advantages and drawbacks of the various possible sources of energy .
9 ‘ The days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun and get him to sign an injunction , ’ Mr Todd said .
10 You start out with good intentions , helping with the homework , making it fun : you lay out the chocolate drops on the giant musical stave and challenge them to find the note ‘ B ’ and eat it : you run supportively alongside the wobbling bicycle , getting your ankles chewed up by sharp pedals .
11 We hope this service will be to your benefit and help yourself to break the ice for your new introduction as we fully understand the situation of meeting that special person .
12 Make contact with the chairman of the Uses Committee and press him to place the church in the hands of the local office of one of the national estate agents .
13 Pass your list to your expert and ask him to check the points out for you .
14 Spread a 3mm thick layer of Ronstrip over the painted wood and leave it to dissolve the paint .
15 If it were , the day would come when the man behind the shining table lamp would toss a fountain pen in my direction and tell me to sign a piece of paper , and I would say , what the hell , why not ?
16 ‘ There 's another legacy of £1,000 , this time to his friend Martin Burger , ‘ more than enough for that new pair of spectacles which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
17 A tube of Winsor blue for Alan Tate , spectacles for Burger … ‘ which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
18 You will appreciate that before Contracts can be exchanged I must have the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals showing that your ages have been admitted and when you visit the Bank on Friday no doubt you will impress upon them that you are under pressure to exchange Contracts for your purchase and ask them to expedite the issue of the life acceptance as soon as possible .
19 The cash will help companies and inventors developing new products which need patent protection and allow them to exploit the technical information available .
20 I 'd have to go to Parliament and bribe them to pass a law specially for my divorce . ’
21 Make the pastry and use it to line a 10-inch shallow fluted flan tin .
22 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
23 Hold the glass by the stem and swirl it to release the aroma .
24 Telephone your branch and ask them to make an immediate transfer between accounts .
25 He hoped the young man would relapse into muteness and leave him to read the privilege and privacy imbedded in this landscape , to note the pampered thoroughbreds grazing beyond the fences and glimpse their owners ' residences tucked down driveways discreetly screened by firs .
26 The Company can now demonstrate that it has systems in place that enable us to provide a high quality service .
27 Using an extensive collection of pure perfume essences , his unrivalled skills and unerring taste he will advise Harrods customers on fragrance and help them to realise a unique perfume of their own .
28 ‘ Now , Charles , if you would calm down a moment and allow me to get a word in , I would be able to inform you that I have already negotiated just such a deal for you . ’
29 To tell these in their own right and expect them to retain the charm they got from their larger setting would be a terrible error , an error to which Tolkien would be more sensitive than any man alive .
30 Although languages differ in the extent to which they regularly specify the gender of human referents ( cf. English they and French ils/elles ) , we all readily recognize the distinction and expect it to reflect a genuine aspect of experience .
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