Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Similar tragedies can occur even in rather unusual settings and caused by a different train of events , for example the North Sea Piper Alpha episode 1988 , where staff died either on the blazing oil installation or drowned in the surrounding sea of fire .
2 Hopes for a ‘ green lung ’ in the heart of the city are fading , particularly since the announcement that Mercedes Benz is to build a huge service centre on Potsdamer Platz , dashing hopes that it might be left as a park or rebuilt as the commercial hub of the city it was before the war .
3 Next is the graphic equaliser , also switchable in or out , with a powerful 15 dB of boost or cut at the 7 well-chosen frequency centres of 50Hz , 100Hz , 230Hz , 500Hz , 1kHz , 2kHz and 5kHz .
4 He commented on the results : Even God came out of the thing with a more credible characterization than offered in the original
5 Potentially , the heads of some federal ministries and departments could also become members , if nominated by the President and approved by the Supreme Soviet .
6 His father , shaken by the speed of the collapse and alarmed by the imminent threat to Loches and other key castles in the Angevin heartland , hastily mustered an army in England .
7 In Paris ! ) , then took a growler and made for the first address I had .
8 Appointed lord advocate and admitted to the Privy Council in 1951 , he became lord justice-general and lord president in 1954 .
9 Because of the outbreak of war he abandoned plans to do research and took an industrial job , but in September 1915 he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps as a private soldier and served with the British Expeditionary Force .
10 By regarding the strikes as a definite act of political attack on the regime , the republican government strengthened left wing opposition and contributed to the socialist move left-ward .
11 There exists a school of thought , that an expensive Biro , wrought from gold or silver and branded with the potential owner 's name , will become a chenshed possession .
12 Despite the lines of exhaustion bracketing his mouth and etched at the outer corners of his eyes , his gaze gleamed dangerously .
13 The smoke curled from her mouth and mingled with the harsh , dry heat from the electric fire .
14 Colonel Glass had arranged that Reuters press telegrams should be handled by the Department and distributed to the Burmese newspapers , so international news was regularly published , and the liaison with the Burmese editors established .
15 Spreadeagled on the roof of the car in a scissors or St Andrew 's Cross position , he concentrated on holding on and not losing his balance as the train gathered speed under the shadow of the Westway and rocked past the desolate terraces of north Kensington .
16 At the end of each row was the monitor who marked the attendance which , if regular , entitled you to a Prize at the end of the year , a book chosen from a list by the recipient and presented at the Annual Service on Low Sunday .
17 But Labour ‘ won ’ on a minority vote and governed for the next five years .
18 Learning Classics or memorizing the year by year achievements of a football club will enhance the individual 's reputation in certain environments , but will prove a poor investment if used in the wrong circumstances .
19 But sleep came unawares , for he was woken by Luib in the dark and told by the peppery old Myrcan that it was his watch , and that Corrary was on after him .
20 Forman , now a priest and known as the punching preacher says he 's better now than he ever was , and he 's confident of beating opponent Terry Anderson .
21 Information on possible risk factors for leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma reported at interview and recorded in the obstetric notes are summarised in table VII .
22 McGowan walked to the car and returned with the long canvas bag and the cardboard box .
23 They did however eventually see World War Two service , initially with the 412th Fighter Group and its 29th , 31st and 445th Fighter Squadrons , all units being assigned to the 4th Air Force and stationed in the western United States .
24 Peter Davies , the housing association 's chief executive , said all the families were evacuated by boat and taken to the Aberconwy Centre .
25 One of these tenements , the property of the lord of the manor and situated in the little town , deserves particular attention .
26 In the early eighteenth century the Piggot family decided to modernize their humble and rambling seventeenth-century manor and called in the best local builder , perhaps from Stanford in the Vale , a rather grand village displaying much architectural refinement .
27 Nevertheless the rapidly amended " signing statement " generated renewed controversy over its declaration that analysis of the legislation , written by the administration and submitted into the legislative record by Senator Robert Dole ( Kansas ) , " will be treated as the authoritative interpretative guidance " by all officials in enforcing the law .
28 We went through Dick Whittington 's archway and banged on the metal-studded door for access .
29 By the end of that evening , after she had sat through a dinner in the large school refectory , listened to Madame Chardin 's opening speech of the term and lain in the dark listening to her new roommates , Katherine did indeed begin to feel if not at home , then at least marginally more comfortable .
30 Bile ( 0.5 ml ) was taken from the gall bladder at laparotomy and infused into the proximal ileum over a two minute period .
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