Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb past] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Greavesey of course and at the risk of overdosing on goals you can see all the action that mattered from the First Division yesterday .
2 The original trophy that went with the first prize disappeared — it is thought at some time during the eighteenth century — and there was never enough money to replace it .
3 Robyn clutched the cast-iron railing and wondered for the first time why her legs felt so shaky and weird , why her stomach was churning so violently .
4 And , his answer to that , is that psychoanalysis can give us a very interesting and unique insight into , into religion , and this was an insight which had emerged in the course of , the nineteen twenties , following the developments of psychoanalysis that occurred after the First World War , which we 've already looked at and is essentially the concept of transference .
5 He pulled out a bundle and looked at the first address , but he did n't recognise it .
6 The offensive was launched on 18 June but was deeply unpopular with much of the rank and file and collapsed in the first week of July .
7 Nadine clicked her tongue and smiled for the first time .
8 Outside a grand villa in the same city , a priest in an assortment of ramshackle clothing stopped his mule in the gateway , descended by lifting a leg and bellowed to the first person he met , which was Tobie .
9 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
10 Nicholas 's personal judgement may well have been crucial in blocking negotiations with the Kadets in the fluid situation that prevailed in the first half of 1906 .
11 All that mattered was the next time he would see Kate ; beyond that he looked forward with an urgency that hurt to the first time they would make love .
12 Feminism for women like me grew out of our dissatisfaction with our social lot and coincided with the first books that provided a context and a theoretical explanation for what we felt .
13 Burton has declared that it was when he was performing that scene on the stage that he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end and knew for the first time the power he could have over an audience .
14 I do n't know if he left the King 's Troop and went into the First er Regiment Royal Artillery , but erm I went to Germany and of course we just lost contact .
15 By such standards both footballers and cricketers , provided they were among the minority who avoided injury and played in the first team , were quite well off for a few years .
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