Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
2 It will rarely be the case that either an animal or a human will be provided with the opportunity to mate with an absolutely ideal member of the opposite sex .
3 Theodora suspected that this was not an exercise that either the Bishop or the Archdeacon had had to perform before .
4 This is best controlled with either a tablet and either a stylus or a puck but , given a steady hand , it works pretty well with a mouse .
5 The varying colours of the gowns and hoods , and the more subtle variations in their style and cut , indicate the degree ( Bachelor , Master or Doctor ) , the University which awarded the degree and even the faculty or subject .
6 There was extragastric involvement of other mucosal sites in eight patients ( mainly the lung , but also the parotid gland and small bowel ) , but rarely was bone marrow and never the spleen or peripheral lymph nodes affected .
7 The point here is that if cultural modernity is to be understood in terms of the separation and even the transcendence or ‘ aura ’ of aesthetic realism , then post-modernity would be a matter of transgression of the boundaries that separate the aesthetic from other cultural practices and from the social itself .
8 At present if either the applicant or the council ( though not objectors ) insist , a public inquiry must be held .
9 A little used dining room or even a corridor or hall ?
10 233 seems to be that if a wife signs a security document at her debtor husband 's request , the creditor will be unable to enforce the security unless either the debtor or the creditor has taken positive steps to try and ensure that the wife understands the import of the security documents or unless she has obtained independent advice .
11 The long tradition that regards consent as either the foundation or a foundation of legitimate authority displays two separate strands of thought .
12 When it comes to the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances that the constitution asserted , it is also clear that the bureaucracy was given a much more equal share than either the Diet or the Judiciary .
13 For each one that is removed , there is a 5% chance that either a Bloodletter or a Fleshhound ( equal chance for either ) suddenly appears and attacks .
14 The limitation date can , in due course , convert to an ASO date if the case is issued in the county court and eventually a disposal or provisional damages review date .
15 If , within 5 minutes of a want demand being refused , Joanne had not started screaming ( or any other tantrum behaviour ) , she was rewarded with praise and either a toy or a sweet from a reward ‘ menu ’ kept for that purpose .
16 It is not a message that either a Conservative or a Labour government would listen to .
17 A common lawyer , as in the 1520s , might seem a better choice than either a noble or a cleric in an office so concerned with the law , but in the early fourteenth century common lawyers were regarded with some suspicion by the king-witness the attempts to get them barred from parliament — and by people whose complaints about the corruption of lay judges were frequent until late in the century .
18 But still more important for the laity in the Church than either the decree or chapter 4 of Lumen Gentium ( precisely on the laity ) , remains chapter 2 , ‘ The People of God ’ , which located the basic roles of all Christians in aspects of the nature of the Church deeper than the hierarchical .
19 The Financial Secretary during the course of the relevant Act — Finance Act 1936 , s18 at that time — gave an assurance that only a transferor or his spouse could be made liable under what is now s739 ( HC Deb Vol 313 , cols 676 , 678 and 689 ) an assurance which was repeated by the Attorney General ( HC Deb Vol 313 , col 701 ) .
20 Imitation or role modelling by children describes the way that they copy the actions or behaviour of someone they admire , usually of their own sex and possibly a parent or even a tv character .
21 This occurs between a firm and either a supplier or an outlet .
22 A child born abroad will be a British citizen by descent if either the father or mother was born or adopted in the United Kingdom or acquired citizenship by registration or naturalization .
23 In doing so , it was necessary to consider the transaction 's commercial substance and also the shape or form the parties had chosen for it .
24 Then Tina Darne , who was Cecilia 's daughter but only a year or two older than Jarvis , persuaded Jarvis 's mother to let her move in and start a commune .
25 This was a gambler 's reward , because the chance of war might leave a man as either the recipient or the payer of a large sum .
26 Only decimal arithmetic may be provided , or separate instruction sets might treat each computer word as either a binary or a decimal value .
27 When these two holes are lined up just push a panel pin or maybe a nail or matchstick or something else suitable into the two holes .
28 This can be contrasted with hospital care where either the patient or his relatives or both are not informed about the imminence of his death .
29 However , officials working on EC foreign policy co-operation discouraged any suggestion that either a statement or a special meeting to consider Panama was likely in the near future .
30 What John " auntres " , by contrast , is a trick he must know from elsewhere — he decides to try out what he can have learnt only from a fabliau such as the related English , French , Dutch , Italian and German examples , banking on the sure expectation that either the miller or his wife will eventually get out of bed to allow the plot to be fulfilled .
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