Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] [verb] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It is gratifying to know that the industry that once gave employment to many hundreds of the local population , is still able to flourish in small pockets .
2 So many feelings raced through her as she stood there — admiration , delight and pleasure that almost brought tears to her eyes .
3 The muscles of the palps and the terminal lobes originate within the body of the prementum and consequently lie interior to the labial suture .
4 The principal objective of the campaign is to encourage walking by the promotion of demonstration pedestrian priority projects , which would act as models of good practice and thus provide guidance to local authorities and , metaphorically , a rallying point for pedestrians .
5 He wants to double turnover and significantly improve profitability to more than five per cent return on sales .
6 Caird 's achievement is to capture the sheer energy of the piece while also doing justice to its underlying darkness .
7 It was a budget that severely cut services to vulnerable people .
8 The mid seems a little biased towards the upper part of the frequency band and at low level that also adds bite to the top end , creating a good , solid midrange tone .
9 Equality is not itself a curriculum aim ; yet no curriculum that actually sets limits to a child 's future can be acceptable .
10 Within an hour hundreds of spadefoot males were bobbing like so many light balloons on the pool 's surface , each every second or less giving voice to a single loud ‘ Wah ! ’ .
11 We see no scientific justification for the statement about the immunogenicity of gangliosides , nor do we find any direct evidence to support the contention that naturally occurring antibodies to monosialoganglioside are pathogenic .
12 Bukharin saw the separation of the producers from the means of production , that is the breakdown of peasant economy and the driving from the land of the peasants , as the main historical form of this primitive accumulation and further quotes Marx to this effect .
13 Back in Matthew Glynn 's office , Kersey seated himself in the swivel chair behind the desk and casually waved Morse to a client 's chair on the other side .
14 It extensively overlaps the gorilla in its forest range but generally shows adaptations to lighter drier woodlands .
15 Overall , it is a handy reference text and well constructed guide to this particular form of research .
16 Tens of thousands of Haitians responded to news of the coup attempt by taking to the streets where , armed with machetes and clubs , they paralysed the capital by building and then setting fire to barricades .
17 Nevertheless , de Craon 's diplomatic skills prevailed and the Lady Yolande , a beautiful figure swathed in costly furs , came on deck and haughtily beckoned Corbett to her side .
18 He added : ‘ If Ian Lang is telling the truth in saying there is nothing political about the Government 's proposals then there is now good reason to think seriously about cancelling the reorganisation and instead giving consideration to setting up an independent commission . ’
19 He reminded them of how their predecessors had been punished for their wickedness and repeatedly urged obedience to the commands of the Church .
20 Exercise stimulates blood flow to the skin and so gives rise to a healthy appearance .
21 And what if Mr Ashdown gets his way : a coalition government later this month which introduces electoral reform and thus commits Britain to more coalition governments for the indefinite future ?
22 I shall warm to my theme and then give way to the hon. Gentleman .
23 He tells us in his autobiography that this decision produced a breakdown in his wife 's health , but it was all part of his efforts to become a pure Buddhist leader and hence bring benefit to burma .
24 They can forget about privacy and often fall prey to gangs operating a regime of intimidation .
25 Her life must have been hard for she not only produced ten children , one of whom died in infancy but also gave birth to my mother when in her forty-fifth year .
26 From the start , pick up a crate and kill the policeman , continue right , dodging the dog on the way , climb the ladder to where the mugger prowls , dodge him and grab the ‘ ? ’ ( 50 points ) and the records , climb upwards , collecting records on the way , kill the workman with the crate and thus gain access to the roof of the building , avoid climbing the crane ( there 's nothing of interest there ) , climb up the ladder and kill the policeman , run right and jump off the edge to the end of the building .
27 Co-opting a sports or stage celebrity guarantees that they , or one of their famous friends , are likely to be available to open the summer fair , attend the leaving presentations and sports day and generally add glamour to all the events that benefit from maximum publicity .
28 Conversely , platelets incubated with ‘ cholesterol-poor ’ liposomes showed a reduced cholesterol content and significantly reduced sensitivity to ADP .
29 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
30 If Foucault proposes the philosophy of the phantasm as a way for the historian to produce the meaning-effect of the event while still doing justice to its singularity , it also offers a way of thinking through some of the paradoxes that we have encountered in the problematic conceptualization of history .
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