Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He gave two courses of lectures and the notes for both courses survived : one on the New Testament and one on the Christian idea of redemption .
2 One for the master one for the dame and one for the little boy who lives down the lane .
3 For example , one stop at the second fence and one at the third results in a total of 40 penalties ( 20 + 20 ) , whereas two stops at the second obstacle gives a total of 60 penalties ( 20 + 40 ) .
4 Christopher Petrie and Jane lived for a year as neighbours : he in the manor and she in the stables-converted cottage , which she made much cosier and more inviting than the manor — one reason perhaps why Christopher spent so much time there .
5 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
6 ‘ You screwing the IRA and Daddy boring Mummy and me over the roast beef with what a socialist champion you were , daughter after his own heart . ’
7 One of the letters in the practical was the same weight as one in the written test .
8 An intervention with a low probability of harm given to millions can do more damage than one with a high probability of harm given to a few
9 It is important that our colleagues and the public recognise that although , in general , preventive strategies by their nature are likely to involve minimal risk , this does not mean zero risk ; an intervention with a low probability of harm given to millions can do more damage than one with a high probability of harm given to few .
10 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
11 However , our conception of word-meaning has the advantage of being intuitively plausible : its scope coincides well with the pre-theoretical notion of word-meaning that anyone with a practical interest in meaning — a lexicographer , translator , or language teacher , or even a novelist or poet — is likely to have .
12 That is far more sensible and realistic than the politicians ' attitude that everything in the European garden is rosy .
13 It was a pity that none of the Scandinavian allies were willing to co-operate with the scheme .
14 One with a metal shaft and a moulded rubber handgrip will stand up to more abuse than one with a wooden shaft .
15 Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three accused , two of whom were in the back seat of the vehicle and one in the front passenger seat .
16 At colectomy two Dukes 's A cancers were found ; one in the sigmoid and one in the transverse colon .
17 ‘ The biggest difficulty is having one foot in the committee and one on the playing field .
18 This central area of the town — Hillgate , Millgate , the Underbanks , all names attested in the 15th century — does however retain both the medieval street plan and something of a medieval atmosphere , because of the narrow , twisting , hilly streets and the buildings crowding in on one another .
19 I understand that during the past 12 months there have been three gas leaks , two in the southern sector and one in the northern sector .
20 In none of the 10 patients who completed the six months ' trial and none of the five patients who completed 12 months ' treatment was endoscopic improvement of the lesions seen .
21 In all organisations , one interview is being conducted at plant level and one at the overall headquarters of the UK enterprise to which the plant belongs .
22 None of the 11 children who had other forms of leukaemia and none of the four who had non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma had fathers with a record of employment at a nuclear establishment .
23 Labour had much in common with the old Liberals of the Michael Meadowcroft variety and nothing with the new super-Friedmanism concocted by Ashdown .
24 Well that 's why you , I bought some ones One lu one in the bathroom and one in the landing look and one in the front bedroom .
25 If any ambiguity remained , either because multiple readings survived or because some anaphor had several surviving candidates , common sense inference rules were invoked to look for a causal or other link between a proposition in the current sentence and one in an earlier one .
26 A major influence was undoubtedly the personality of the dean himself , but the essential catalysts were the decision by the department of anatomy that it could no longer continue to operate two separate curricula — one for the traditional course and one for the parallel track — and the decision by several of the charitable funders of the new pathway that future grants would be available only if the scheme was adopted throughout the school .
27 and the two court orders , they , they 'd had one court one cheque and one for the other
28 Whether it 's the Police Band or one from a nearby mill town , there are fewer nicer ways to end a summer day in Leeds than to sit in a deckchair at sunset , listening to the haunting sound of the trumpets and trombones .
29 The recent Autumn Statement from the National Heritage Ministry included the announcement that none of the proposed restoration options will be taken up , and that the monument will remain under wraps for the foreseeable future .
30 During routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy one biopsy was taken for hostological examination from the antral mucosa 2 cm from the pylorus and one from the first part of the duodenum on the opposite wall to the area of ulceration .
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