Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On insurance business the bank now makes provision where necessary for the estimated amount required over and above unearned premiums to meet future claims and related expenses .
2 In Switzerland , too , forest decline became a national obsession , overwhelming concern at death from nuclear war , terrorism , drugs , gold smuggling or any of the other traditional Swiss worries .
3 However with Scott supporting him and the stable having hit form he should be able to knock out the odd winner or two in the coming weeks .
4 This finding was considered as an ‘ uncomplicated ’ Barrett 's oesophagus. ( e ) Grade IV : presence of a peptic ulcer or stricture of the oesophagus , located at the level or distal to the mucosal junction , always in the presence of a Barrett 's oesophagus .
5 The ERASMUS scheme allows you to study for a year in Europe , whether you choose the single honours BCom or one of the joint degrees , provided you are able to study in the language of your host country .
6 New dishwasher owners are usually horrified when they find that a 3 kg box of detergent costs anything between £2.59 and £5.93 , depending on where you shop and whether you buy a supermarket own brand or one of the well-known names such as Finish or Sun .
7 Forcing herself , she worked for an hour or two on the great heap of stuff purloined from the skips that lay in a corner of the hall ; fitting a curtain here , laying a rug there .
8 ( Platform 3 was used at least once last summer to house Hinton Manor for an hour or two on the wonderful occasions when Aberystwyth saw two standard gauge steam engines — Keith Lucas ) Some alterations are being discussed to the run round facilities , which are now only used regularly by the petroleum traffic .
9 To complete your relaxation , why not sink into a comfy sofa in the Country Club bar , indulge in your favourite tipple , and pass a convivial hour or two in the companionable game of backgammon or chess .
10 Most held their breath and tried a punt or two on the third market stocks their licensed dealer recommended , which in some cases had been quoted on the OTC market earlier .
11 Whether an old person is contributing part or all of the financial costs , in a private , voluntary or local authority home , the emotional feelings are likely to be similar .
12 The track index will take up part or all of the first track on each cylinder .
13 The second process involves the allocation of funds to implement part or all of the legislated programme .
14 Section 18 allows LEAs to rewrite Statements of Special Educational Needs so that they modify or exempt children from part or all of the National Curriculum .
15 The tawny owl assemblages are intermediate for this character , and although it has not been quantified , it is notable that the skulls present in tawny owl pellets are less complete than those in barn owl or some of the other species listed in Table 3.5 , having only the front part of the vault preserved .
16 Commercial firms , especially those concerned with pharmacological and nutritional products , employ a limited number of veterinary advisers both in this country and overseas ; and there are opportunities for giving technical assistance to developing countries under the auspices of either the Overseas Development Administration or one of the United Nations external aid agencies .
17 A project associated with the research activities of the department or one of the geophysical units of the NERC British Geological Survey or with a geophysical exploration company is undertaken during the vacation prior to the final year .
18 Lunch hour meant a hurried visit to a launderette or one of the new supermarkets .
19 In addition , the effectiveness of certain other types of clause is limited by statute where one of the contracting parties deals as a consumer ; for instance , the Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act 1988 restricts the enforcement of an arbitration clause against a person who makes a contract as a consumer , unless certain conditions are fulfilled .
20 ‘ I forced myself to write a chapter or two about the good things he did : getting rid of dead wood in the bureau ; eliminating corruption among his agents ; setting up a fingerprint system , an FBI laboratory that could serve as a technical resource for police forces all over the country .
21 Cameron watched for the effect or this on the sawyer 's face .
22 In Cohan and Sadiq 's study where most of the Asian families were Mirpuri Muslims , a number of the women were not involved in the day-to-day management of money , particularly with respect to transactions involving outside agencies ( bills , mortgage repayments and the DSS , for example ) ( Sadiq , 1991 ) .
23 Indeed , they tend to have a higher net output per employee than two of the major non-assisted areas ( the east Midlands and the West Midlands ) though the South-East and also East Anglia had higher productivity than all the assisted areas in 1971 .
24 Depending on Austrian cooperation was unwise , however , for Austria had more to lose from the Ottoman Empire 's collapse than any of the Great Powers .
25 PROGRAMMES on ITV contain far more violence than those on the other three channels , according to a psychiatrist .
26 who was in precarious health and spent much of his time in Oxford , with the result that most of the observational work at Greenwich fell upon Green .
27 What has been happening in Latin America is that the growth of education has been much faster than structural change in society , with the result that some of the potential value of education for social mobility is lost .
28 But we do question whether their service is any more worthy of recognition than that of the average hard-working nurse , policeman on patrol or the small businessman who is struggling to keep his company going in the face of the recession and determined not to make his employees redundant .
29 One of the great problems of this schedule would be , the definition of the amount of windfalls , bearing in mind that many of the local plans coming forward erm are about to be produced rather than have just been produced .
30 The hon. Gentleman should bear in mind that each of the two cases to which he has referred was decided by the trial judge on the basis of medical evidence , including independent medical evidence .
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