Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adj] [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Initiation ceremonies of one kind or another mark the end of childhood and the acceptance of the boy or girl as an adult into the tribe .
2 So we 'd go and work a couple of hours overtime or all night the scrap iron .
3 If the doctor 's duty is a matter of law , a court could restrain a doctor from continuing such treatment , and he could be held liable to pay damages for any distress or increased discomfort the patient suffered as a consequence , in that his conduct would amount to negligence .
4 According to Robert Graves ( 1960 ) , in the Minoan and Mycenean cultures the double-axe was forbidden to males , which is certainly consistent with the Minoan iconography .
5 FOREIGN exchange dealers who were imagining what John Smith as Chancellor might do to the value of the pound if Labour wins the election , were yesterday ambushed instead by one Antonio Cavaco Silva , prime minister of Portugal .
6 With the increase in self-selection and self-service stores the idea of ‘ making a sale ’ may seem rather old-fashioned .
7 Perhaps — though I hardly dare pen the thought — perhaps , perhaps I am beginning to glimpse or sense out of this pain and this cold and this exhaustion and this fear and this hunger the presence or the comfort of some other thing , some other force more powerful or resilient than my own weakening frame .
8 Which means that you 're likely to have a much clearer view of things than most , unsullied by ambition and administrative politics-by a reluctance to deal with me and give me what I want . ’
9 Down in the dark and foggy street a figure stood waiting beneath a lighted gas lamp .
10 In talking about ‘ craft ’ practice and black craftswomen a dance must be stepped through a sludge of definition , misinformation , appropriation and assumption .
11 because she about three pints , the pints a day the third pint cost you thirty five P and right , a four-pinter cost you a pound and two pence a pound and two pence , now work that out .
12 And when you think of a railwayman earning a pound and thirty shillings a week you know .
13 Which if you break it down is only about a pound and three quarters a week
14 To remedy the worst excesses of lack of scholarship and poor teaching the Queen , following earlier examples , ordered Books of Homilies to be prepared for use in all parish churches .
15 It turns out that there are two possibilities , some sorts of identical particle choosing one alternative and some sorts the other .
16 In the howling wind and driving rain the burst of 9mm fire looked and sounded like man-made thunder and lightning .
17 Roffman and Purdy list a number of new film genres that developed during these years but the vast majority of individual films mentioned did not move very far from what was becoming a stock depiction of the city with its gangsters , ‘ modern ’ women , and venal politicians and lawyers .
18 Asik handed him the sandwich but this time no hand reached towards the morsel .
19 The central feature was the Salvation Army Hall where each Sunday a march by most of the senior students with flags flying and drums beating would be followed by worship .
20 When a sale is made under a common law or statutory power the purchaser acquires good title to the goods — Sale of Goods Act , section 21(2) ( a ) .
21 So many people have benefited from its help that this year the parish council have made a grant of nearly £2,000 to see that its work continues in the village .
22 With careful management and unadventurous policies the Crown could , however , keep afloat .
23 The early divisions of the mouse embryo seem much more sloppy and between the 8- and 16-cell stages the surface of the clump of cells becomes smooth and at the 32-cell stage there is a single layer of cells enclosing some cells on the inside .
24 When it did so , it was clearly only because of the enormous pressure of a mass lesbian and gay Stop The Clause campaign that involved soap-opera and Shakespearian actors .
25 For the Conservative and Labour parties the answer lies in ( different ) radical economic policies .
26 He was a radical and five times the Mayor of Bedford , remaining on the council until 1892 , when he was voted out by the Conservatives ( who expressed personal regret ) .
27 Through trial and error and careful practice the body learns how to balance , pedal and steer all at the same time .
28 But with the aid of two eight-inch metal rods fixed either side of my spine , and 18 hours ' intensive exercise and physical therapy a week , I made progress .
29 It is obvious that as we descend the grouping and prolongational hierarchies the structure becomes more elaborate .
30 Willie thought that next to Zach 's deep complexion and black hair the red looked pleasing .
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