Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] it [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
2 It was what was within the bird the force that gave it such power , such vitality . ’
3 " Besides all this Tristan learned to ride nimbly with shield and lance , to spur his mount skilfully on either flank , put it to the gallop with dash , wheel and give it free rein and urge it on with his knees , in strict accordance with the chivalric art .
4 The fully-laden truck careered through traffic lights at a crossroads in St Austell , Cornwall , crushed her Vauxhall car and pushed it 100 feet , before virtually demolishing a butchery and crashing into a florist 's shop .
5 One player says he 's only had his cycle this term and finds it very diifficult and he falls off a lot and hurts himself .
6 I picked up the chant and repeated it many times .
7 He conceived the idea of artificial daylight and gave it practical reality by filtering the light of an Argand oil lamp through blue glass .
8 She saw that the man who owned it was hanging on to the side and checking it each time it swung .
9 Anything could have sparked the riots , it just happened to be the injustice of Rodney King 's trial that triggered it this time .
10 To include that issue in the forthcoming Student Loans Bill would make the measure hybrid and deny it any prospect of a swift passage through Parliament .
11 Nevertheless , Kenneth Branagh has saddled up the old warhorse and given it new colours .
12 Nevertheless , Kenneth Branagh , actor , director and entrepreneur , has saddled up the old warhorse and given it new colours .
13 It was a means of providing controlled access to the unspoilt beauty of the Park and keep it that way .
14 They barricaded the building and ocupied it all night .
15 In 1991 , for example , Fareed Armaly and Christian Philipp Muller cloned the banal façade of the building and relocated it full scale at the edge of a forest : ‘ Fassade Galerie Nagel 1:1 ’ showed the same , faceless , empty apartment building but joined to a work belonging to Munich art dealer , Hanns Daxer and his wife ( to which ‘ Fassade ’ now also belongs ) .
16 " We would not allow a farmer to stick something in a cow and chase it three times around five fields before it died " , Gummer said .
17 The brown hyena deposits two different smell chemicals by everting an anal pouch and squeezing it round grass stems .
18 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
19 So it 's important that you know about your rainwater disposal system — so that you can either put it in good repair and keep it that way or safely replace an old system with a modern plastic one which will work properly .
20 And Nan would be twenty next month and due for a rise , and she was hoping her father would stretch a point and make it ten shillings , for no matter what he said , Nan was a good assistant .
21 In a free society , if trade unions want the rights of ownership , they can not expect to get them as a free gift and call it industrial democracy .
22 In the end , the only character who lifts the play from the ruck and gives it lasting interest is the virtuoso himself .
23 However , in Peart the accused was not guilty when he obtained a car on the undertaking that he was going to drive it 30 miles in one direction but drove it 100 miles in another .
24 The press picked up the story the following day and gave it wide coverage .
25 She lifted her head and banged it several times on the floor .
26 He reached Haslemere in early afternoon , hired a taxi and discharged it fifteen minutes later on the other side of the road from the Skein of Geese Hotel and Restaurant a few miles south-east of the town .
27 Men can have one dark suit and wear it all day and no one will even notice , but women are expected to have the right clothes for lunch and afternoon tea and working in and then have some stunning outfit for evening .
28 The same effect can be obtained by filling the pool with water and emptying it several times over a period of two or three weeks .
29 I joined the Associate Membership scheme in the beginning and left it last year because of what I felt was gross overcharging for a pathetic members ' service .
30 Mrs Wormwood was hooked on bingo and played it five afternoons a week .
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