Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 It is the speaker 's intention and the addressee 's successful location of the intended referent that matter in the first usage , not the exact aptness of the description , so that we could call this usage speaker reference ( as opposed to semantic reference ; Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
2 They are based on notions of the future as envisioned in the first major exposition of the 1930s in America Chicago 's 1933 ‘ Century of Progress ’ .
3 We reach this conclusion in the light of the evidence that notwithstanding the rules as to dismissal for theft as applied in the first place … each case can be and is reviewed on the intervention of the security officer who … will make an appropriate recommendation where the case does not warrant dismissal . ’
4 Initially there are eight permutations — individual peace and love of collecting stamps makes lack an introverted Boy , whereas social peace and erotic love makes what the Hippies meant by Peace and Love in the first place .
5 Teesside Crown Court heard he suffered a black eye and cuts in the first attack .
6 The offensive was launched on 18 June but was deeply unpopular with much of the rank and file and collapsed in the first week of July .
7 But the development of a child 's body and mind in the first three years of life is absolutely vital — any stunting of growth in these years can not be made up for in later life .
8 The history syllabus as defined in the first national curriculum which ended in 1926 :
9 This supposition is , I think , based on the simplistic idea that the natural conditions of language learning through use that obtain in a first language setting and in naturalistic contexts for second language acquisition can be directly replicated in foreign language classrooms .
10 ‘ Our brief has always been to get back to our home ground and stay in the First Division and I think we are capable of achieving both . ’
11 Nicholas 's personal judgement may well have been crucial in blocking negotiations with the Kadets in the fluid situation that prevailed in the first half of 1906 .
12 Greenough and colleagues showed that preterm babies who did not require respiratory support had a high prevalence of wheeze and cough in the first year of life .
13 Even today there are those who have doubts about the great burst of prosperity and splendour in the first half of the fourth century manifest in the great villas .
14 By such standards both footballers and cricketers , provided they were among the minority who avoided injury and played in the first team , were quite well off for a few years .
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