Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] him in the " in BNC.

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1 His business licenses him to fraternise with the enemy and casts him in the role of a Microsoft independent software developer-come-OEM , complete with an early access copy of Microsoft NT .
2 The fate that befell him in the 1956 Grand National booked him a permanent place not only in the reminiscences of racing folk but in the British national memory .
3 But when he did , a single shot fired from the van shattered the driver 's window and hit him in the back , killing him .
4 Mason meanwhile attacked one Messerschmitt which at once went straight down , but the others attacked him and one got three hits on his aircraft , which shattered the windscreen and wounded him in the hand as he broke away .
5 Somebody shot the undertaker while he sat indoors in his shirt sleeves , stripped him of his remaining clothing and pushed him in the sea at the sewage outfall at or near high water .
6 If you like I could have a word with the Chief Constable and put him in the picture , should you deem it appropriate . ’
7 Oh ! if you do n't get Nutty soon I 'll gouge his eyes out with a swizzle stick , cut off his conjugals , marinate him in oil and vinegar and barbecue him in the forum .
8 When the nest is complete the female approaches the male and nudges him in the flank to gain his confidence .
9 Unbelievably , he sacked his son-in-law and replaced him in the manager 's seat with Trevor Proby .
10 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
11 Smallfry was smiling sweetly as she reached for Frankie 's sleeve and eased him in the direction of the door .
12 She might have made her point a lot better by picking up Mouse and dumping him in the garbage can — instead she responded with violence that was really out of proportion to Mouse 's attack .
13 He dried Willie 's thin , bruised body , wrapped him up in a towel and sat him in the armchair .
14 But then Arthurs , who had called at his former home to visit his three children , lashed out at Mr Berry with a cricket bat and kicked him in the face , breaking his jaw in several places .
15 I just started to hate the man , I do n't know what I would have done if I had walked out of the interview room and met him in the corridor . ’
16 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
17 She raised her head and looked him in the eye .
18 She lifted her head and looked him in the face .
19 DEREK RANDALL , Nottinghamshire 's former England batsman , is recovering from a cartilage operation to cure knee trouble that hampered him in the closing stages of the season .
20 Hear us now as we attempt to contact Simon 's father and help him in the great spiritual work that awaits him in this prime time of his boyhood ! ’
21 The court had taken Harvey away from his father and put him in the foster home ‘ until such time as the father can control his drinking and make a safe home for the boy . ’
22 ‘ Which is why I 've spoken to the captain and put him in the picture .
23 Also like Roosevelt , he attracted to Washington the brightest advisers he could find in the universities and the business community to fill places in the Cabinet and to surround him in the White House .
24 The sky goddess as a woman arched over her husband , earth , and , held up by her father , air , gave birth to the sun in the morning and swallowed him in the evening .
25 She waited until he stabbed at her then , using her left forearm to block his wrist , she followed up by slamming the heel of her right hand against his chin and kneeing him in the groin .
26 He started keeping Fred and himself to timetables , so that she knew where she was , and cut out eating with Fred after the show or seeing him in the daytime at weekends .
27 Parenthetically , erm he says somewhere in his autobiography that the one thing that consoled him in the nineteen-hundreds when he was so miserable with his wife and his mathematics , was the devising of , was the devising of prose rhythms .
28 Unlike Alfonso , they chose to recognize his worth and to aid him in the war against the African Moors .
29 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
30 Julie swung the hammer with all her strength and caught him in the mouth with its gleaming head .
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